In my father's living will he expresses his wishes to die if his expectations of any recovery from physical or mental disability won't happen.
Short version of those who haven't read my other posts. He is 88, broke his femur, refused rehab treatment, sent home, my mom (87) can't take care of his physical needs of getting him out of bed, showers and clean him up etc.... my daughter and I try to get him up and couldn't when he came home and placed in his chair and we sent him back to the hospital. He does have some form of dementia too.
We believe he came home to die.
I will be talking to my mother about this today to see what she feels my dad would want. It breaks my heart to see his wishes for he doesn't want to be dependent on us. I understand his wishes too. Some suggestions on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
You all have been amazing giving out advice.
Thank you so much.
If you feel your father is making these decisions on wishing to die because he is a burden then it is time to explain to him ways he will not be a burden, but still may have visits and as quality a life as he is able.
This is all something that you need to speak to his MD about. He now needs the full services of a psychological exam to assess for depression and hopelessness. There may be medications to help him.
We don't know all of the conditions extant here. It is important for you to take this up with medical, then speak with your father about palliative care, hospice, placement for care.
I am so sorry you are all going through this.