
my hubby is 58 and he has been acting strange for about the past year.talking about strange things but we found out he is lucid dreaming but now for the past 2 or 3 months he cannot tell reality from his dreams and it scares me.for the past 5 yrs almost he has just stopped doing most things and just sits around on his phone,computer or tv.we moved and ever since then he aint been the same.he doesnt even treat me like a wife no hugs or affection at all and he doesnt even acknowledge any important dates ie:my birthday or mothers day.does anyone have a guess please as this is headed to divorce at this rate.

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To clarify, a lucid dream happens when a person is asleep. A person having a lucid dream usually knows in the dream that they are dreaming.

Is he hallucinating? Seeing and hearing things that aren't there when he's awake? Does he take any medication?

Consider calling 911 if he is hallucinating.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777
lealonnie1 Jul 1, 2024
Exactly. Lucid dreaming would not cause a person to act this way.
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Who told you he’s lucid dreaming? What you’re describing is called Dream-Reality Confusion and can be caused by several things. He needs a neurological evaluation and possibly a psychological evaluation as well as a general health assessment. Only then can you determine a course of action and treatment.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to RLWG54
DocsLady73 Jul 2, 2024
3 other people helped figure out that its a lucid dream but still am gonna get him to the daughter,granddaughter and daughter in law are all capable of this believe it or not
If your husband is not open to getting help for his ongoing mental health issues, then you will have no choice but to file for a divorce.
And the fact that he's only 58 and not working should be concerning to you as well and another reason to file for divorce.
You deserve better. I hope you know that.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

There is a sub Reddit devoted to lucid dreaming entirely. How did "we" find out your husband is doing this? It sounds to me like something medical is going on, since lucid dreaming is a pleasant experience. His doctor should check him out thoroughly for cognitive and physical issues both.

Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lealonnie1

It would be good if you could complete your profile, to give us a bit more information. Is DH working? If not, what income are you living on? How old are you yourself? How is he spending time on the computer – is it porn? Why did you come to the conclusion about ‘lucid dreaming’, which doesn’t seem to be correct?

If you have had a good relationship in the past, 58 is not an easy age to go for divorce, at least if there is something wrong that could be medical and could be fixed.
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Reply to MargaretMcKen
DocsLady73 Jul 2, 2024
my hubby has been disabled for over 20yrs and i am his paid caregiver but i have worked since i was 16.i am 50 and his time on his computer he watches sling tv,youtube and also reads but no porn.actually the way he described what was happening and mentioned the dream seemed way too real and i mentioned it to our daughter and she realized what he was talking about as i sleep like the dead and cant remember any of my to the dreams we kinda figured it out i did reply to another user.your right 58 isnt a good age for a divorce and we have been married for 30yrs and i dont wanna have to resort to that at i replied to another person have talked to our oldest son and so as a family we are already starting to start working on this.we are reviewing his meds to start.also the confusion about the dreams and reality has been happening for a few months but it seems to have trouble with the dreams and the realness of them as he has diabetes and i thought at first it might be a low sugar but no.
I Would bring Him To his Doctor And Tell Them Whats Happening and they Can order a Nuero Psyche evaluation with a Neurologist . My Dad forgot My Birthday .
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Reply to KNance72

I looked up the ‘dreaming’ thing, and it seemed that there are no ‘genuine’ definitions and the types get mixed up. There is dreaming when you know you are dreaming (me), dreaming you can remember as dreaming when you wake up (me), dreaming when you think it is real at the time (not me), and dreaming when you think it was real even after you wake up (not me, thank heavens). If your DH has the last sort, I think that would be the most scary. I hope you and DH can cope with it, because thinking that bad dreams were actually real would scare the life out of me!
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Reply to MargaretMcKen
Anxietynacy Jul 2, 2024
Yes, my dad was coming up with all these crazy stories. I realized that to him they were not stories, to him they where real. Because he couldn't tell the difference from his dreams and reality
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