
We have Medicare, Emnlem (GHI) and long term care insurance. We own our home. Do I need to put everything in my name to avoid spending down all our money? We are in NYState, which is a community property state. I have no idea what to do! Thanks

Your insurance should pay for all this, why wouldn't it? With Medicare and a supplemental plan, you ought to have a maximum out-of-pocket expense. Once you reach that number (mine is $2500), you pay not another penny, even towards medication, until the next calendar year begins.

I'm quite surprised a surgeon is willing to perform brain surgery on an 86 yr old man!

Good luck, and please remove your email address from this post. We do not share personal info on the forum.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to lealonnie1

NY is NOT a community property state. It is an equitable distribution state.

Have you consulted an Elder Law attorney?

Why do you think your insurance will not pay for the surgery? Are you going out of network?

I have the same insurance you have. If you stay in-network, there should be very little out of pocket cost.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

Why would anybody perform brain surgery on an 86 yo?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to PandabearAUS

Are you expecting your husband to have to go to a nursing home for rehab after his surgery? Medicare will pay for that as long as he shows improvement over time. Is Emnlen a supplemental insurance that picks up what Medicare doesn't pay? Medicare pays 80% so many people have a supplemental insurance for the other 20%.
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Reply to Wrenee5111

I think you are thinking in terms of long term care should your husband require placement?
I would see an attorney. Take all of your all info on your assets and how they are held or titled by name with you to an elder law attorney. Pay him by the hour to discuss with you options for division of finances, and anything that can protect your OWN portion of your assets from the needs of your husband. Take your long term insurance policy with you as well.

Best of luck; I hope that the surgery goes well.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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