
This hurts me, as it is usually someone I count on for support and who has never been anything but caring. This tirade may begin upon awakening, or anytime during the day, with no apparent reason.

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This is part of the desease. Talk to his doctor about meds,
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

I take it your husband has dementia, would be best for you to Google and read everything you can about dementia.

If he has dementia, you can't let the things he says hurt you. His brain is broke, and there is no fixing it .

I am also wondering if his issues happen in the morning if it is something in his dreams that he is still feeling opon wakening.

I have actually had a dream that my husband cheated on me and woke up kinda annoyed with him. A dementia brain is much more sensitive to this and there dreams are much more vivid.

But you can't understand any circumstances take it so personally. What will happen when. Your husband starts calling you mom.

This is a long long road. So sorry. We are here anytime. But please do get more educated.
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Reply to Anxietynacy

If your husband has dementia, this means his brain is dying. You absolutely cannot take what he says personally - 1st rule! My dad claims his hands are on fire. When my mom was alive she swore I was stealing her pots & pans. Some people actually see their spouses having sex with another person right in front of them - There are so many good sites on YouTube to go look at - Dr. Tam Cummings at the
WellMed Charitable Foundation has a great videos on dementia staging you might want to check out! Not sure if links are allowed here: but here goes. Good luck to you.
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Reply to Mamacrow

Because you like something or someone doesn't mean Dad has to. And he is likely just blustering on because he's a bit achy and in a foul mood. Just let it go. Just tell him "oh, you don't like Irma? I am so sorry to hear that; she's such a help to me". And get on with it. It's not a mountaintop to die upon. It's really quite unimportant, and it likely fades quickly.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

The "no apparent reason" is the dementia doing the thinking for your husband now. If he's constantly in a negative frame of mind, speak to his doctor about antidepressants which helped my mother a lot. Otherwise, just let his rants homing one ear and out the other w/o allowing the words to affect you. My mother never had a nice thing to say about anyone!
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to lealonnie1

Swanny, your husbands brain is now permanently broken with having dementia, so there will never be an "apparent reason" for much of what he does or doesn't do.
You MUST learn to ignore what your husband says and quit taking it to heart. His brain is broken!
The best thing you can do now is to educate yourself about this horrible disease of dementia, so you are better prepared for what lies ahead, as this disease NEVER gets better, only worse,
You have to develop a thicker skin now if you're going to survive this difficult journey with your husband.
I hope that you have help coming in so you can get out for a while to do things that you enjoy,
And if things get to be just too difficult for you, don't hesitate to look into placing him in a memory care facility.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

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