
He has had a Mini Stroke

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Reply to TouchMatters

If he qualifies for medicaid assistance, and he needs cares at home, which will be determined by the medicaid social worker, then a family member may be paid for the number of hours needed, as determined by medicaid in your state.

I'm with FunkyGrandma on this. Why is he homebound? My husband suffered many mini-strokes before the massive stroke which left him unable to do anything for himself. While he was suffering from mini-strokes, he was active in his community, the president of a motorcycle volunteer group, and in fact, took a day-long ride with a couple friends earlier in the day before the stroke which left him helpless, unable to walk, talk, reason, or eat solid food, and to this day, 10 years later, he can not figure out how to use the tv remote, or a phone, or the computer (he had previously written computer programs).
I, too, suspect you are simply looking for a way to take advantage and get money for nothing. If that is the case ( and I'm hoping its not) then you are of no benefit to your spouse. If he needs full time care, place him in a nursing home which will provide the care needed.
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Reply to CaringWifeAZ

Pyscho43: You can do an internet search as to how you can get paid in your particular state.
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Reply to Llamalover47

Why are some of you people so mean and angry. The woman is just trying to get help so that they can live their daily life.
My husband has a traumatic brain injury that he got while he was a Police Officer doing Publix service to protect the people. It was at Harper college in Palatine that he was hit by one of the students in his chest and fell backwards. He hit the back of his head on the concrete. This is now 15 years ago. He also had dementia now. I have been taking care of him all of this time. Luckily my son does help me sometimes. There is no additional pay because he received a pension and in the state of Illinois if you receive a pension you will never qualify for Medicaid not any help going into a assisted living. We received crap for a workmans comp claim considering the shape he's in.
If he can qualify for Medicaid that's the best thing that you could do.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to suzbus2
CaringWifeAZ Dec 17, 2024
suzbus2, I'm so sorry for what your family is experiencing.

Yes, mine is one of the less kind responses. The original poster has not provided enough information to let us offer better responses.

I do sincerely hope Pyshco43 offers more about her story and we can offer more information and assistance.
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If your husband is a veteran you may get some compensation through the VA.
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Reply to DrBenshir

It has nothing to do with taking a vow, it has to do with finances. Just like Social Security, Social Security Disability is based on earnings made. My Dad had to retire at age 52 after 30 yrs working for the same company. TG he had a pension because his SSD would not have been enough to live on. Mom was his caregiver so couldn't work. My brother was 20 and just got out on his own. Raising 4 kids on a blue collar salary, there was no money for saving.

This woman may not be able to collect SS yet. Her husband may have no pension. Maybe they have gone thru his 401k. She can't work because she is a caregiver and they can't afford to pay one if she did work. She is caring for him in sickness but maybe there are no assets.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29

I don’t get it you are his wife didn’t you vow to love him in sickness and health. As a wife his assets are your assets. So what’s the problem. Personally I think it is a sign of greed to try to take assets and be paid to take care of him. Where do you think the money will come from for your wages? Your assets?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Sample
BurntCaregiver Dec 17, 2024
No, it's not. The bills have to get paid and people have to eat. So if the OP can get paid to be the caregiver for her husband, what's wrong with that?

Is it better to pay strangers to do it? Or to go bankrupt handing it to a homecare agency? I operate a homecare agency and am saying this. Nothing wrong with the wife getting paid for working.

Caregiving is in fact work. Very hard work no matter who it's for.
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If you husband is a wartime veteran, you can apply to the VA for Aid & Attendance. It's a pain in the neck dealing with the VA, but he can receive up to $1200 +/- each month.
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Reply to southiebella
ElizabethAR37 Dec 17, 2024
I thought the VA "Aid and Attendance" program is need (income) based. Is that incorrect? The aging care manager who did our needs assessment earlier this year said that we likely would not qualify financially. We don't need care yet, but the day may come. . .My husband is a Korean War vet.
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Depending on whether or not your state has a Medicaid-sponsored Family Caregiver program is how you'd get paid. If your husband isn't on Medicaid, he won't qualify for it. Also, at some point (if there are assets like real estate, insurance polices, etc...) you would have to pay back whatever Medicaid paid you ehrn your husband passes or no longer needs care.

How these Family Caregiver programs through Medicaid work, is that there is a cap on how much they will pay out and it's pretty small. It doesn't matter is someone needs 24-hour care. They only pay a small stipend.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to BurntCaregiver

Rule of thumb a spouse cannot become a paid caregiver for a loved one when it comes to many agencies and Medicaid pay family for service programs. Or if you live in the same house.

Getting 24 hours is technically not that hard it is annoying and takes time upwards of a year but it is really not hard. The hard part is getting 12 hours first even then with enough appeals either through your states fair hearing or medical review process it is 100% possible.

Issue is A you are married and live in the same location so that will probably bar you from being a paid caregiver. Say you are allowed to do it issue B will be no agencies, Medicaid, or FI will allow you to work the full 24 hours. Doubt you would be able to become a live in because if you get the 24 hour care means you are stating he needs 24 hour care so you won't get 8 hours or uninterrupted sleep. So cannot be a live in even if they allowed you.

In short good luck but doubt it would be possible every state is different but one thing that is the same across the board the middle men don't like paying overtime.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to WTFchoice
ReneeM55 Dec 17, 2024
Family caregivers are absolutely paid if they are caring for a loved one in the same house! In fact, the VA encourages family members to help out by offering a stipend to family members who qualify, as opposed to a visiting nurse, because it's a lot cheaper for them. She may have to find the right program for her husband, but caregivers are paid (I'm paid by the VA for caring for my disabled veteran husband and the money is in my name).
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A mini stroke often doesn't incapacitate one in any way.
Are you talking about what they typically call a mini stroke in that your hubby had a TIA or trans ischemic attack? Were his carotid arteries evaluated and are they clear?
What is his current status now?

In order to find out if you can be pain you will have to investigate any programs that your own state has in place. It is rare that wives are paid for care. And the "pay" is minimal if any, so if you are not yourself retired and on SS you can't afford to live on that. Your husband would also have to qualify for a need for the care.

I am afraid you are down to checking with Medicaid in your state to see if there is any program that can help you. I wish you best of luck and hope you'll update us.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

If your husband only had a "mini stroke" why do you feel that you should be paid to care for him? And why does he need a "24/7"caregiver?
I'm guessing that he still can do many things for himself and is more than able to stay by himself while you work an outside job, so don't you think that would be better for you both?
You don't give us any information as to why you feel your husband needs 24/7 care other than the fact that he's homebound and had a mini stroke. Is he homebound by choice, meaning he has no desire to go out and about? Or can he no longer walk?

My late husband had a massive stroke at the age of 48 which left him unable to walk, talk, read, write or use his right arm and hand, and after much therapy he learned how to walk with a brace on his leg, and say short sentences, and simple words but never could read or write or use his right arm/hand again.
I continued to work through it all as I was in management and had a company that was willing to work with me and the time off I needed, which was a blessing. But once I knew that my husband was ok at home by himself, I went back full-time.
And of course as more issues arrived with his health I would again have to take time off to care for him, but it wasn't until the last 4 years of his life until his death at the age of 72 that I had to care for him full-time and not work at all, and I was glad a grateful to be able to do that.

So if money is an issue and your husband is on Medicaid, in most states they will cover for a few hours a week for a caregiver to be paid, even a spouse.
Also if your husband is a veteran, they too offer some aide and assistance.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Depends on the state you live in. Google "how do I get paid to care for my spouse in _______ (state).
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to lealonnie1

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