
He also thinks all his pant waistlines and underwear are too tight but they are not and we change pants multiple times a day..any thought?

When my husband did that in the last few days of his life, it was because he refused to allow them to insert a catheter in the hospital. After four days home, he was constantly trying to go and only dribbled. We had to move him to a hospice house and they immediately cathed him. His prostate was so swollen that the regular nurse couldn't do it, a specialist had to be called in. His bladder was very full, he filled bag after bag. He definitely felt like he had to go to the bathroom, but nothing was happening because of his prostate. So get your husband's prostate checked if you can.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to graygrammie

That's how I feel when I get a bladder infection, too.
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Reply to LostinPlace
Zeus2222 Nov 14, 2024
No infection. Medically cleared
UTI? My MIL is like that about pants. She is constantly complaining about them being too tight and gets the nurses to cut the HUGE (not) waistbands that are making her crazy.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to againx100
Zeus2222 Nov 14, 2024
N checked all that out. Behavioural from the ALZ ..I presume..the too tight thing is matter how,much I put slices in waistband
Sounds like your husband is suffering from OCD behaviors that often go hand and hand with dementia, so I would talk to his doctor about a medication that could possibly help with that.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

If cleared for UTI, could it be related to prostrate issues?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to christinenc

Is your husband urinating at all when he sits on the toilet? Is it a weak stream? My husband had problems with enlarged prostate and also not emptying his bladder fully. Made him uncomfortable. Has the doctor checked such on your husband? Checking for retained urine is a simple test. Person urinates, then bladder is given an ultrasound to see how much urine is left inside.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JanPeck123

This could be a prostate problem as granny suggested. And serious. DH needs to see a Urologist. My DH had lazar treatment that schrunk it.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Again, these things you mention are a part of a disease that causes a disordered mind.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Zeus2222, welcome to the forum. You mentioned your hubby was cleared for a UTI. When was that? An UTI can pop up very quickly even after being tested a month or a couple weeks prior.
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Reply to freqflyer

My husband is the same way he gets me up multiple times at night as he uses urinal. Not sure if it is spite for being disabled, he does have ocd and is a narrsist. I am at my wits end, he is getting worse too. Do not have anyone to talk to, so just venting a bit.He has been medically cleared, just his congestive heart failure is all he has.
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Reply to vcmoats
Annanell Nov 20, 2024
There are things you can buy on Amazon that is called an external catheter that allows the urine to flow into a bag. Maybe because he is a narcissist he wouldn’t like that but getting you up several times a night is not fair to you. He should be able to realize that and make an effort to make your life better.
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