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What has the doctor said ?
Is Mom declining enough to be on hospice ?
Trying to feed someone while they sleep will likely lead to aspiration pneumonia .
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Welcome to the Forum.
You mention in your profile that mom is 80 and suffers from a sleep disorder.
Can you tell us about the exact diagnosis of this disorder and who did the diagnostic work?

How far advanced and at what stage is her COPD.
She sounds to be getting too little O2 to the brain at this point.
Is she on Hospice? Is she losing weight? Do you know her wishes for end of life care?
How long has she had COPD?
Helpful Answer (5)

Gena, my step-dad did the same thing. My mom would yell at him for 2 hours to get him to eat and not fall asleep with food in his mouth. I don't recommend that route, it made everything harder for both of them.

I would recommend getting a hospice referral and they can guide you through this new season.

May The Lord give you strength, courage and wisdom for this difficult time.
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She needs to see her pulmonologist soon. Or take her to the ER. It might be time for an arterial bloodgass not for oxygen but for CO2 which is carbon dioxide. Is she obese? Is she on CPAP or Bipap at night? Difficult to wake in the morning? Sleeping while eating can be a risk for aspiration.
My suspicion is that her CO2 is sky high which leaves her somnilent.
If she still refuses hospice, you can request her PCP for an in home consult. Or tell her her regular doctor wants to see her. Tell her you got a doctor to visit and let that person explain to her situation.
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How does a person sleep while eating?? I'd make certain mom was awake while eating or she could aspirate food into her lungs unknowingly, creating a serious situation.

Has your mother been determined to have narcolepsy? Do you check her oxygen levels daily with a finger pulse oximeter to make sure she's getting ENOUGH oxygen?

In any event, I'd call her Pulmonologist to let him know of this situation. See if a sleep study can be ordered or if he feels mom is at end stage COPD now. If so, a hospice evaluation is an option.

Best of luck to you.
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Unfortunately no, it may be getting closer for her time to go, all you can do is talk to her, love her and enjoy the rest of your time together.
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I am not a nurse and I am sure Alva will correct me if I am wrong, but there comes a time when no matter how much oxygen a person is given, it no longer works because the body cannot absorb it correctly any more. Hymaglobin in the blood helps to carry oxygen where its needed. Thats why you need to have a pauseox meter to see if the Hymaglobin is doing its job. 95 or higher is normal. 90 ok, but in the 80s, Mom is not getting enough oxygen. The lungs have to do their job too. I agree, Mom should not be eating if she can't stay awake. You need to call her doctor and tell him what is going on. It maybe time to call Hospice in.
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AlvaDeer May 26, 2024
Yes, and with COPD you are sometimes limited in how much O2 can be given. It is the alveoli, those little baskets at the very end of the airway branches, that cannot function to optimum anymore. She definitely has a medical problem here on here hands.
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Your mom should be in Hospice care. So sorry....
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Appears to be hospice level for your mom, but check with her doctors.
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Gena0327: Pose this question to her physician posthaste.
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