
She has upper GI ulcers (non-bacterial) that may or may not be healing. It’s impossible to administer the Sucralfate because it must come 1 hour before and 2 hours after any foods or other meds, and she’s only up twelve hours a day and has to take three doses of blood pressure meds. A recently prescribed antibiotic that must be taken with food has been a nightmare (abscess). Other meds, including sleep aids (that barely help) complicate the mix.
Her gastroenterologist says forget the Sucralfate and just be sure she gets the Pantoprozole 1 hour before meals. Hah! What meals? Ensure blended with ice cream is all she gets down.

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Perhaps mom could take some of her meds by injection. I'm not a medical person, but if she were my mom, I'd ask her doctors.
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Reply to Fawnby

Both my parents were on B/P meds and took them once a day and Dad had heart problems. Your questions are really for her doctor. Maybe she can take her pills with a Boostbor insure. If you put them in a freezer for a while they become like a milkshake. Maybe milkshakes.
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Reply to JoAnn29

MQ, Welcome to the Forum
It sounds as though your mother has a serious medical condition here.
She already has a specialist, her gastroenterologist, and it's very unlikely we would have any further information for you than that expert has; if you feel that expert is failing her I would go to another.
You tell us little here about your mom. How old is she? What underlying conditions does she have? What is this ulceration from? Are you dealing with serious GERD or something other.

The sad truth is that when there is serious underlying GERD (my partner suffers from it) that is valvular in nature and not fixable, you are dealing with someone who WILL suffer ongoing problems with nutrition. I am assuming you always have seen what nutritional supplements mom can sip. And the other truth is that you can live on minimal amounts of food. In fact, my guy is told over and over about how great his balance is at 84, how clear his blood vessels, how low his BP and etc. to the extent I no longer hound him about getting nutrition in.

Do tell us more about Mom and how long she has suffered this. what the diagnosis, and etc. You may be looking at something that is age-related and you may want to consider now palliative care if a second gastro-guy or gal cannot help you.
So sorry. Just a matter of not everything can be fixed; it sure sounds as though you are trying to go through all the hoop in hope of help.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Agree with funkygrandma59, and would see if it's really necessary to have her on 3 doses of b/p med. If her doctor feels strongly that she should still be on it, perhaps they could adjust the dosing, or there might be an extended release they could prescribe, or make a switch to a med that requires just a single daily dose
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to ElizabethY

I would check with the pharmacist to see if any of your moms medications can be crushed or come in liquid form as that would be much easier for her to take.
And then I would start pureeing all of her food and thickening her drinks with the product Thick- It since she's having an issue swallowing and you certainly don't want her aspirating her food or drinks into her lungs as that is deadly in most cases.
And I don't what if anything else is going on with your mom health wise, but it may be time to bring hospice on board.
I wish you well in getting this all figured out for your mom.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

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