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Reading your profile, I'm wondering if mom is on any medication for her hallucinations? If not, you may want to speak to her doctor about what she's suffering with, because there should be SOME relief for the poor woman. At least some calming meds like Ativan can help with the loop thinking patterns, as it did for my mother.

My mother had pretty advanced dementia when she started insisting her Memory Care Assisted Living was a hotel. And that her caregivers were taking her to a new and different hotel every night, after a lovely dinner at their home and a night of entertainment. Her only question to me was "how did all my stuff get into the new hotel?" She wasn't upset by any of these happenings, so I went along with it.

You cannot convince your mother that what she believes to be true is, in fact, false. So tell her when the new LUXURIOUS suite is finished being built, then she can move into it. For now, though, she's safe and secure in her current suite. Rinse and repeat repeat REPEAT as needed until she moves onto a new topic and forgets all about moving. Distract her as well and change the subject.
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Suzrom Jan 2024
Thank you Lealonnie1 for your reply!
I have tried going along with these moving stories, until it back fired & she said,”I haven’t been moving at all, so why didn’t you tell me that!”
Then I was stuck for words! Lol
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You might try to fib and tell her it will take a few more days before moving day
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My mom was on the SNF floor of her facility and she loved it there. One day the “Suits” were walking around the floor, the executives did that from time to time. Well my mom got it in her head the place was being sold and she had to find another place to go. I said we would have gotten a letter if that were the case. I told the SW our conversation, and SW said that the Residents pick up part of a conversation of what they think they heard and run with it. So, the facility never got sold and mom never mentioned it again.
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Does she know she is on the list for MC? I wonder if that could by part of why she's thinking that she needs to move out? Regardless, I agree with prior message to just say something like "No, mom, you're all set and will be staying here." Keep it vague and short.

2 year wait list to get into MC? Geez that's long!
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Suzrom Jan 2024
Hi, yes she knows she’s on the list for MC. When my folks moved into their AL suite, they had a flood and had to move out. My Dad landed in hospital & my Mom was moved into a “Show Suite” temporarily until a new permanent suite was found. Then she moved to their new permanent suite while Dad was still in hospital. All this happened within a year of them selling their home, which they had lived in for 58 years.
It makes sense that she would be confused for sure.
They get stuck on this stuff.
Just let her say it, and then reassure her that it isn't the case.
She likely does this with staff, as well.
And THEY will reassure her.
But as far as long term convincing her of anything, you cannot convince a broken brain. When this obsession is done there will be another.
Just gentle as she goes, and reassure, and try to deflect onto something else.
But in honestly this happens commonly and there's just no fixing some things.
Best out to you.
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