
agree. I ended up traveling there 6 times in 5 months. Cleaning her house with a caretaker. There was approximately 150 bags of trash. I found a nurse, that recommended another nurse that send us a caretaker. My parents did not have a living will. We encountered trouble with our younger sibling from day 1. Accusing us of stealing jewelry when I went with my elderly dad to put it away in a bank safe. My other brother took pictures with my dad in the safe. Neither one of us went back. He told caretakers, in-laws, family members, ect. Next, he attempted to accuse us of malpractice with Children and Family. He put 2 on me and 1 on my brother because a caretaker accused him of prohibiting my parents from getting antidepressants and from going to a neurologist or doctors. He thought I had put the investigation. I did not. He found out I was the executor of the will and I even have voicemails claiming that I cannot be because I stole the jewelry. I even have a document separate from the will that mom left me 90% of the jewelry. Why would I take any? He is a psychopath. He Married a doctor and filed for divorce and wants alimony even though we know he has multiple hidden properties and money out of the country. He has had problems with the law and has been arrested but he manages to come out clean. He knows a lot about the law and is always in court. I am the only one that spend countless amount of money in my parents and I am the one with the least money. We finally got a guardian. He obstructed the process from the beginning.He quit and another one came after. They found the same luck. There was no money to pay caretakers and we could not sell the house. The judge asked us to be the guardians. My eldest brother said no and I told him I would help him. He still said No. So the judge assigned the trouble maker with a supposed opened investigation for mental injury to our mother? I let him on his own for 11/2 years. I have only seen my mom once in that time. He managed to get me involved in a nonpayment of a bill of 1000 dollars. My brother and me ended up paying a lot more.Mom landed in the hospital 1 week ago and we found out by a friend. She was in the ER. They moved her to intensive care and was listed Private. We could not even go visit. She is now home and still sick and we have no idea of what is wrong with her. The court approved a motion for the future but we do not know the now. He has accused us three of giving medication ect. I do not know what to do? I thought about refusing the money from the will and refusing to be a n executor. Is not so much money, but peace has no value. My husband and I are in our 60’s since this started and we have a beautiful family that are not enjoying and we have had delicate heart problems, TIA’s, surgeries of all kinds in the last 3 years.This person went as far as injecting a substance to our parents without consulting their doctor. I had proof, but my brother refused to report him with me. He was scared.

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After all this psycho brother did and was doing... what did you expect would happen if he became your Mom's guardian? I'm not trying to compound your misery but I'm not sure what you want out of this situation: you handed it to him on a platter. Now you have 0 control until your Mom passes. So maybe taking your actual evidence to APS and reporting him is the way to get transparency and accountability from this jerk. The thing with bullies is they are banking on grinding you down to a pulp until you run away or cry Uncle. That's not me, but I wouldn't blame you for throwing up your hands. You just have to accept the probable outcome: that you won't be seeing your Mom alive anymore, most likely.

Have you checked on whether getting a restraining order against him is possible? Since you are the Executor, you may want to have a preemptive consult with an estate attorney to try to work around any future headaches he could give you as the Executor.
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Wow your brother is a piece of work! How annoying to have to deal with all that nonsense with him!

What is the motion that the court approved for the future?

Best of luck.
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Report the guardian. He reports to the court and must fill out a form annually. Otherwise, you can do nothing. He holds the power.

If your parents can't afford caregivers or pay their own bills, I doubt they will be able to leave anything but maybe the house. Which the guardian can sell and use the proceeds to place them. You are not responsible to pay your parents bills. Its up to the guardian to help them by finding resourses to help them pay bills. There are programs out there to help them with utilities. Food stamps, food closets...this is the Guardians job.

You might as well enjoy your life. Your parents are now Wards of the State. Just visit when you can.
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Enjoy your beautiful family. Walk away from the rest. Of course you worry about your mom, but she and your dad neglected to plan and you have no way to fix this. You’ve tried. Get out of the way before you end up with more problems that you don’t deserve.
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You can walk away from this and take back your life .
Your parents did not put the effort in to assign a POA . So this is what they have to live with . Your parents did not give you the power to help them . Your hands are tied .

I’m sorry if that sounds harsh , but why should you kill yourself because your parents did not leave any end of life instructions .
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