The antisocial PD was diagnosed about 30 or so years ago. I am her carer and all of my life she has been an abuser to me and my father (now passed). As some say it is not her just the illness. I've done lots of reading and everything else about it. It has taken 7 years of work. I feel lucky to have empathy and although l can't love her and she can't love me l do have compassion for her. I think it is interesting that her narsisstic personality is still predominant.
I admire your attitude and your ability to accept. Honestly, acceptance with a dollop of humor is the only saving grace in these things. I hope you will stick around as you've a lot to help others with here!
My stance is dementia does not alter the core personality it just removes the filter that allowed them to mask it for all the years or It just turns the person they already were up to an 11.
I'm a firm believer that the personality isn't altered with dementia, but with the cognition changes, it's like a personality disorder on steroids. Its like the filter melts away leaving the personality in full blast. I usually get away from those cases asap! These people tend to be a danger to themselves and others.
I can't deal with her. At all. Pig headed as all get out, selfish to her absolute core. Manipulative x 100. Emotional blackmail, gaslighting, lying, you name's all there only she used to know when to turn it off.
All of us with narssasistic parents, need to do one of 2 things, either walk away, or limit are time as much as we can. It's near impossible to keep are mental health and caregive a narssasist parent at the same time.