
She lives on Butner Road off of Cedar Hills Blvd.

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Uber/Lyft have wheelchair services. Look at the list of cars to call for. All the way at the end is wheelchair. Now whether there are any drivers in your area willing to do it is another issue.

Have you tried checking with your local public transit system. Here, they have a special van that goes around and does that for exactly the same cost as regular bus fare. You just have to schedule it in advance.
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Nancy, I am curious why the Assisted Living facility doesn't have it's own transportation to and from doctor appointments. Where my Dad had lived, the facility had a mini-bus that would take wheelchair. Plus a Staff member would accompany a resident to the doctor appointment.  Yes, there was a fee.

Or is your Mom in a "nursing home"? I remember my Mom's nursing home didn't offer such transportation as just about everyone needed private ambulance transport which is paid for by the resident.

There are wheelchair cabs that one can hire, definitely not low cost if one is on a very tight budget.
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Nancy, this is a support forum. Unfortunately, not a clearinghouse for resources. You need to check local resources or that. I have a question, though. Is your mother able to navigate the medical system herself, apart from transportation? My mother also needs a wheelchair or walker (walker at home, wheelchair outside the house) and we (me or my sister) always accompany her to medical appointments because her memory of her symptoms and issues, past advice and past appointments is very sketchy. She also tends to get mix up or forget the conversations with the doctor. So we always go with her, as inconvenient as it is. Is you mother okay going by herself? Is there somebody who could take her and attend the appointment with her?
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