
My mother fell and her POA had doctors sign a certificate of incompetency. This certificate has her birth date incorrect and the date of evaluation incorrect, would these errors make the document void? It was done to control her money, it is a huge mess.

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My son ignored the doctors orders. The one doctor said my mother has dementia but she doesn't. She does have age related short term memory problems. I am trying to wrap my head around all just doesn't make sense. I'm afraid if I try to do more I will get in trouble.
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I tried to get an attorney but he said he couldn't help me. What I'm thinking is my mother needs to call and make the appointment with an attorney then I could take her and be there for support but she needs to speak for herself. This has upset my mother so much her anxiety keeps her just crying and begging to go home.
Her fall put a gash in her head that needed 8 staples and made her confused, she was rushing in the middle of the night to get to the bathroom and slipped, she called me I called 911and went over right away, they didn't transport her, said I could to take her to the er myself. They wanted to keep her for observation over night. But it wasn't a hospital that my son wanted her at and he talked to the er dr and had her transferred for a direct admit to another hospital in a different city and state.
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I tried at the hospital to find out what was going on but my sons told the staff not to discuss things with me and yes my son the paramedic knew the staff. I didn't find out about it until the day I was told to deliver mom to assisted living while my sons moved her things, it all happened in 2 days. When I brought my mom from the hospital they gave me a packet I was to give to my poa paramedic son. I asked for a seperate packet for myself and they made copies for me. I didn't read it until a week later because I was dealing with my mother and frankly trusted my son. I am trying to find a way to get my mother home. I contacted an elder law attorney, he asked me if they filed the papers with the court, I didn't know. He told me to be careful as my son could stop me from seeing my mother. So I'm stuck
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How serious was the fall that it requires 3 months of rehab? If she needs 24/7 care at home, or could go to rehab, then to me it doesn't make sense that she could also go to AL. They're all different levels of care.

I think you need to get an attorney.
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I have been caring for my mother in her home for two years. She is 83 and was doing fine, cooking, cleaning, laundry etc. I was going over 3 times a day to give her medication. I also took her to dr appts, hair cuts, groceries and we had lunch or breakfast out once a week. My sons never came to see her or even call.
The dr orders were she could go home with 24/7 care or to a skilled nursing facilities for 3 months and then be reevaluated. But they put her in an assisted living apartment and she is doing everything she was at home before she fell. It cost $3800.00 a month which she says is a waste of her money. The administrator and the nurses tell me there is no reason she can't be in her own home. My sons have not called her or came to see her, the moved her in and left. My son the poa for health told me he was going to take his grams car and use it, I said no and boy did he cuss me out..but I have the keys. I know they have asked and received alot of money from their gram over the years and fom me too. I just don't understand why they have done what they have done to my mother. They won't speak to me in person or on the phone only in text.
Anyone have any thoughts??
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Daisy, what do your sons have to say about this? Were they witnesses to these so-called attestations? Were they then given the documents and showed them to you? Otherwise, how did you learn about this?

The lack of identification as well as the errors are disturbing.

Did you research this hospital? Was your son one of the paramedics who brought her to the hospital after her fall? And there's no other legitimate or properly drafted POA for either medical or financial decisions? Or were they attached to the declarations?

What you can do is either hire an attorney (estate planning or elder law practice area) and have her/him review the documents and opine on their legitimacy. If you can't afford that, call local communities and ask if they have an "ask the attorney" event, such as through their senior centers, at which attorneys can give brief legal advice.
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The name of the hospital no address or phone number, one dr was a hospitalist the other was a neurologist. The poa is her grandson, my son. I am 3rd poa if he is not available. She chose him because he is a paramedic.
The certificate gives her hand printed first and last name no middle initial or home address. It does not give a reason for her dx of incompetency for health care. Attached to the poa for financial which is my other son is a sheet of paper with the hospitals logo, again no address or phone number. It has one short paragraph. It mothers name was deemed by two physicians, incapable to make her own health care decisions on 4/17/18. I certify that I have examined (NAME) and determined her to be incapable of making her own financial decisions. It is signed by a dr I never heard of the name of the hospital and the phone number.
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Who is proxy under the POA? Is it a family member?

I honestly don't know if an incorrect birthdate could invalidate a Certificate, but I would think it might, unless there's an SS number or something else to precisely identify her.

What kind of a doctor signed the certificate? Why didn't the proxy involve you or other family member?
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