
I do not agree w this!! They are protecting their inheritance. I am disabled. Mom & I have lived together for 12 yrs. I have been her primary care giver when needed. I have been excluded by my siblings while they completed & submitted Mom's Medicaid application. In Louisiana

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unless they used a lawyer and did very specific things nothing is hidden and it will surface. Did they make you move and transfer house? People make terrible mistakes and try to hide things and Medicaid finds out. What did they do and are you sure they have succeeded? If they are found to have cheated Medicaid on application, the state can deny benefits and claw back payments forcing elder into family crisis.
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lsugrad May 2019
I have not been forced to move out. My name is not on the deed for the home despite my significant financial investment/
equity in construction of the home. My huge mistake. There is still a mortgage on the home that my Dad is paying. He is also paying insurance, half of utilities, home repairs, yard & home maintenance, all taxes plus any other expenses. I pay half of the utilities plus other expenses based on verbal agreements between Mom & i 12 yrs ago. Dad intends to pay the mortgage off. After that, I have no idea what their plans are for the home. My home. Mom's home. Probably keep it til Mom passes so they can collect their inheritance. That is the bottom line of all this craziness, siblings want to protect their inheritance instead of making sure Mom has the best care for the rest of her life. A brother actually came to me asking me for money to pay for household expenses to protect his inheritance. He actually told me this!! I'm on disability. Initially siblings had a family mtg in Dec. This meeting did not include Mom or I. Result of this mtg was them telling me i was going to pay rent, pay for all utilities, all home/yard maintenance, all home/yard repairs, ETC. Didn't happen. They have never asked me for input on this situation. They don't ask me if I can do anything. They dictate what they want me to do. I've had to contact Protective Services & local PD due to their actions.
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What is being hidden?
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lsugrad May 2019
Finally figured out how to reply! Home is being hidden. Mom & i have been living together for 12yrs. I was there if/when she needed help. I will b moving out in about 2 months. Then house will b unoccupied.
To Vegaslady: Her home. I am currently living there & will b moving out in about 2 months. After that, the home will b unoccupied. Why keep the home when it can b used for Mom's care.
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Isugrad, how are the siblings "hiding the home"? If they had changed the names on the Deed within the past five years, Medicare will find that out and still will try to collect the equity in the house at a later time by placing a lien on the house.

As Guestshopadmin had mentioned, no one can hide anything from Medicaid. There is a paper trail that Medicaid follows. Medicaid knows all the tricks.

Your siblings probably are under the impression that the State has deep pockets, thus can afford to pay for your and their Mom's care. They don't realize that Medicaid is funded by us taxpayers through State/Federal taxes.

It's foolish to keep a house unoccupied. Your siblings need to contact the home owner's insurance on the house and let the carrier know the house is vacant. Usually that means higher costs for homeowner's insurance, or new insurance to be found if the carrier doesn't cover vacant houses. If that isn't done, and somehow the house is damaged by vandals or broken water pipe, the insurance carrier may not pay for the repairs.
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lsugrad May 2019
U are exactly right about the paper trail. I agree, Medicaid knows all. Why keep an unoccupied home & take money from the gov. for nursing home care when the home could be sold & money used to pay for her care??? Before Medicaid was even involved, my fiance & i offered to split time between his home & ours (Mom's & mine) to help care for her. We even suggested if she came home, but became unable to live in the home due to expenses, difficulty maneuvering @ home, etc; she could sell the home, buy a 2 BR townhouse flat on our st & we would help care for her. She would have been able to pay for flat w cash & have plenty of money left over after sale of the home plus her insurance to pay for her care. She could keep her dog too. My siblings immediately shot those ideas down. They didn't even give Mom the chance to come home. Before the Medicaid spend down, Mom had money to pay for care @ home. Her insurance was excellent. Full coverage for 100 days @ NH. I will make sure my insurance provider knows when i move out. I pay renters insurance because Mom's home owner insurance does not cover my belongings. My name is not on the deed. I furnished most of our home. Upstairs & down. We built our home together. Financially together as well. I live upstairs in a 1 BR Apt w bathroom, living room & kitchenette. Mom lives downstairs, 3 BR, 2 bath, LR, kitchen, dining area, etc. I want Mom to be cared for properly. They have tucked her away.
I see you are moving out of this house you and mom have shared for 12 years and that will leave it empty, where is mom now? Are your siblings the only ones with any control do you share POA or any legal standing with your siblings, how are they doing this without your involvement? Maybe there are some state variations but they shouldn't have any need to "hide" the house since normally ones primary residence is typically excluded from asset consideration when applying for Medicaid and you have the added factor of it being another family member's (you her daughter) primarily residence for 12 years as well and they typically allow you to continue living there without looking at it as a liquid asset. You are right to be concerned about your siblings trying to manipulate things on your or your mothers behalf that seem underhanded and if you can be dragged in or looked at as a party to it you should speak, however I would encourage you to have a civilized dialogue with your siblings before going around them they way you are feeling they are doing to you. Do you not think applying for Medicaid for your mom is appropriate at all or is it just that they seem have done it without your input (which seems odd given that you have been the one living with Mom) ? Might it just be one of them who took on the task thinking they were helping by taking on the headache? I just filled out all the info for my mom for instance, her state has an on-line application, I haven't submitted it yet because I want to make sure I have some details clear and while I let the brother know I was doing it because I checked some financial info with him I didn't specifically ask either one of my brothers if they were ok with me doing this now because we have all always agreed we should if she qualifies and this kind of thing, filling out forms and dealing with offices, benefits has always been my domain in the division of responsibility. I hope that's making some sense.
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lsugrad May 2019
My oldest brother has Power of Attorney. He & my other siblings excluded me from any decisions involving Mom's care. They don't share any info w me. They just shut me out period. There was no family meeting that included Mom on the Medicaid issue . I had to put myself on the contact list @ the nursing home. My family is extremely dysfunctional. Parents divorced.
Besides my Mom, I'm the only one that knows her medical history. That info was lacking on her admission forms. I was able to give NH her PCP, medical history, & current meds. Also let them know how active & independent Mom was @ home. That info was lacking too. Nobody asked me for any info. During this time, Mom was basically out of it after a 9 day stay @ local hospital w UTI w septicemia. 2 days after she was admitted to hospital, I had the flu. Was sick for 3 wks. That's when I was cut out of the communication loop. I financially helped Mom rebuild home following a natural disaster. I'm able to stay here because I have equity/
investment in the home. I'm also disabled. Currently my Dad is paying mortgage, insurance & property taxes. My Mother is still under the impression she is coming home. She is unable to walk or stand after 7 months. The first 4 months insurance pd for care/PT. Siblings haven't told Mom she isn't coming home. Mom won't be her own advocate. I tried my hardest to b her advocate @ the expense of my own well being & became very ill. I have a medical background, Veterinarian. Who better to care for & understand what is going on w her health than a Dr. Anything I discuss w Mom's social worker, Acct manager, NP, Nurse, is immediately reported to my brother w POA. I don't know why. I want the best care for my Mom. Nobody has been there for her over the years but me. When she had knee replacement surgery, I alone took care of her. I can ask siblings, Mom & Dad the same question & get a different answer from each one. Nobody tells me the truth. I find it out on my own. I do my best to make sure Mom is getting proper care.
Tthanks for ur interest & reply.
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If you are able, consult a good attorney in order to protect yourself from the inevitable fallout of your sibling's poor choices. Medicaid WILL find out and you do not want to be liable when they do. I am really sorry you have to deal with your siblings in this situation. The attorney will be able to advise you regarding the house, also. If you lived there 12 years you may have some legal rights to it.
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lsugrad May 2019
I'm trying to do exactly what u mentioned!! Make sure their actions do not negatively affect me in any way. I have proof of my investment/
equity in the home. Bank statements, records, etc. I have significant investment/
equity in the home. My name is not on the deed. So far from my limited conversations w Medicaid, they don't seem to care that Mom is not paying any money on the existing mortgage plus other expenses yet still has a home in her name. That just doesn't seem right to me. Not morally or ethically right.
The home is not counted. As a resident you should be able you stay in the house as long as u pay the taxes, utilities and upkeep. Even after Mom passes, u can stay in the house, a lean will be put on it but not recouped until u pass or sell the house.

Selling the house now could cause problems. It would have to be sold for Market value, Medicaid would stop until the proceeds are spent down then reapplied for.

I would call your local Medicaid office and check this out.
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lsugrad May 2019
I have contacted the local Medicaid office & shared all info. I'm not sure person I spoke w understood the situation. I have been trying to contract them again. I want to make sure my siblings & Dad's actions do not negatively affect me. I know Mom can keep the home as long as those expenses are paid. I will b moving out in a couple of months. Got engaged in Nov. I cannot not afford to live in the home alone. Neither Mom or I could afford to live here on our own. We both agreed about that. We could afford to live here together. I don't know where I would live if i didn't have my future spouse's home to look forward to in the near future. He came along @ the right time. Thank you God!!
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I'm sorry that your family is leaving you out of the mixs. That sucks! You just keep doing you and looking after your mom. Sometimes that is all we can do. I wish I had some wisdom for you but how about a hug?

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lsugrad May 2019
Hug helps!! I need to make sure their actions do not adversely affect me. I don't see what the big secret is. I also need to protect my equity/interest I put into construction of the home. I've always been there for Mom unlike any of my siblings. Now, i'm shut out. Her care comes first. Mom knows what's going on, but doesn't share the info. I just don't get it!! Thank you for your reply & hug!
If you have proof you put money into the house, then you may be able to recoup that at time of sale. Lets say u get 100k. Your share of building house was 20k, you should recoup that then the 80k is split between the rest of you.
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