
Was it legal for her to do whatever she wanted with my mom's money while she was alive and after she passed away?

A medical POA is only for making medical decisions for the person you are POA for.
To make any financial decisions one would need to have a DPOA, so if sister wasn't moms DPOA, then that may have to be a question for a lawyer.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

Depends on how the acct is worried. If she is coowner not much u can do I think. My cousin was able to go to his Dads acct becacause he was on the acct and draw out $800 the was in it right after he died. Since cousin was an only child, jo one contested. The woman he lived with said some of her money was in that acct. I never really believed that. Why would you put money into an acct that your name was not on.

Not sure what you can do before death. But after, that money was Moms estate. If she has a Will then the Executor takes over. If not then someone becomes Administrator and the State determines who gets the estate. Consult with a lawyer. Medical POA does not give her financial responsibilities. You may be able to ask for the accting of money she spent on her and Mom.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Katwolf79, welcome to the forum. Since your sister was medical Power of Attorney, chances are your Mom had someone who was financial Power of Attorney. Do you know who that person is? Was that person not doing his/her job as financial POA?

Someone needed to be available to pay your Mom's bills, since your Mom could no longer do it. Could be your sister had to make a quick decision as no one came forward to help her. If your sister was a "signer" that means she was paying Mom's bills out of Mom's account which the Bank had set up for her signature. Had your Mom passed? If yes, than that account becomes closed and a new account is made for the "Estate of_______" again to pay whatever bills were left over. Aging is very expensive.
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Reply to freqflyer

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