
She continues on with hitting, crying (with very few tears), somebody help me. I'm not kidding, she's going to kill me. Once this starts I cannot find any way for her to calm down. Often it gets triggered because she has to /or has been told she cant do something. She often says she is scared so that can be another trigger. Is there any way to get her out of this mode of behavior?

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Your profile says that you are caring for your 93 year old mother with AZ and that your house is not big enough. Are you caring for your sister with AZ as well? What assistance do you have? How are you coping?
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Reply to MargaretMcKen

I suggest for both of your safety as well as her state of mind, you send her to the hospital to get her medications adjusted, which may take a while.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MG8522

Call 911 when she acts like that and get her evaluated for meds to calm her down. Don’t tell 911 she has Alzheimer’s.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Bulldog54321

I agree with Bulldog that 911 should be called for transport to ER, checking for UTI and perhaps she will need to be hospitalized for a while to work on medications to help her. So sorry.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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