
The balance from the sale of her car came in the mail. What is the legal thing to do with the check. Am I entitled to the money to compensate me caring for her?

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Did your sister have a will?
If so this money goes to the estate and the executor of the will will sign as her executor and put the funds into the account that has the EIN for your sister's estate.
If your sister had no will she died intestate.
She may have had no funds to go into a will. I would consult a probate attorney how best to deposit these funds. If you were your sister's only heir these funds, if she died with no debts and no medicaid recovery requests, would come to you; the question is how best and easiest way to legally handle this, and that's a lawyer question.
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Are you also executor of her estate? If so, the check would have to be reissued in the estate's name and you'd get it from there. I just saw one law office website which suggested unclaimed property as an option. It would take 3 years for the check to roll over to the State's UP office, but from there you'd simply have to present a death certificate, proof of kinship, and the names and addresses of anyone else who might have a claim.
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First find out if she had a Will and an Executor. This person is who needs to get the check and deposit it in with anything else left from her estate.

If there was no Will, this means no Executor. You will need to call up her district court office that deals with probate in her county/state to find out what you should do with it. Also call this office if you don't know if she had a Will or not. Up to this point, their guidance is free. After that, not sure.
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Did you probate her will? Did she even have an estate?

Ask Probate. There is where you sign an affidavit saying that her estate is under 20k, in my State. Probate is not done on 20k or less. The Adminstrator doescwhat they want with the money.
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Are there other family members
best to talk to someone legal
yoy deserve to be compensated but if there are other family members and the cheque is to do with house etc then it will need to be legally sorted out. It will only come back at some stage
speak to legal and ask them
you don’t want anyone trying to sue you further down the line
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Cash it and settle any estate issues with it
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First set up an account under "Estate of (sister's name)." Then, consult with an estate attorney how you should handle it.
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It needs to be deposited into her estate account that should have been set up after she died.
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Lovenevergiveup: Pose your question to your attorney, if you have one. The executor of your sister's will, should she have one, is the person who gets the check.
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