
He is almost 3 hours away. I don't have the funds. I'm on a fixed income. What's the first step?

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Yes. Everyone is correct here. Start with the hospital social worker and proceed.
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Ask the hospital social worker what charities are available to help you cremate your son.

If it is his time to go, he will die when he is removed from the ventilator, if it is not his time then he will breathe on his own. Please do not keep him existing in this situation because you can't face it. The doctors really do know what they are talking about, regarding the reflexes. It is a terrible situation to be in and a huge loss but, he isn't living as he is. Give him the chance to pass or breathe on his own.

I am terribly sorry that you are going through this. It is so sad to lose one of our children, ask about counseling for yourself to deal with this, it will help you.

If you are a believer, you know that you will see him again and he won't be sick and you will never need to say goodbye again.

Great big warm hug!
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If he is drawing SSI, I am assuming he is on Medicaid? Try contacting the social services/health & human services/dept of children & family services in whatever county your son resides in. There may be state funding to help with burial costs, it’s not much, it won’t cover an actual funeral. If there is a benefit available in your sons county, it’s usually administered at the county level so contact whichever county office handles Medicaid. They will have information for you. Good luck & I am so sorry. Also you can check local funeral homes & get cremation quotes if you have to go that route. Cremation is the most inexpensive option. If your son is a veteran, the VA may be an option too.
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Do you mean SSI as in Supplimental Income or Social Security Disability, (SSD).

If SSI, Medicaid health insurance is usually automatic. This covers not just health bills but usually vision and dental. Depends on the state.

If SSD, that usually is Medicare and maybe Medicaid as secondary insurance.

If he is on Medicaid, his State may give a small amount towards a funeral. It may cover a cremation. Or, the State itself has a fund for indigent people. A Funeral director maybe able to answer ur questions.

Just reread your post. U meant "insurance" as life insurance, right?
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If your son is on SSI they normally cover some funeral expenses. It isn't much but it's something.
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worriedinCali Feb 2021
SSI does not pay anything toward funerals, however just like regular social security, there is a $255 but only for surviving spouses so the OP won’t be able to claim it.
Check with your county's Department of Social Services. They can tell you if they have any programs or funding to assist with final expenses for the indigent. North Carolina has no statewide program. If the county of residence does not offer assistance, they may be able to tell you exactly what will happen if you are unable to pay for your son's burial or cremation.

I am sorry to hear that you are going through this. Your profile indicates that you are wrestling with two issues - that of whether to keep your son alive by artificial means, and how to deal financially with his death whenever it eventually occurs. I would get the financial angle straightened out first, and then deal with the other decisions.
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Can you get in touch with the Patient Advocate department at the hospital and discuss your concerns?

As MAC said above, don't sign anything that makes you financially responsible. I am so sorry that your son is so ill.
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