
My mom has told all family she wants to get strong and come home. When we tell caseworker on setting up homecare she’s adamant on saying my mom wants to stay forever. I’ve told them not to ask her questions pertaining to her care or sign documents without me or my sister there due to her having a language barrier, can’t hear says yes to everything. She went in for fluid retention. She was able to walk with her walker before she went in now she can’t even walk herself to her bathroom in there. She’s not eating food sucks, she has a huge wound on her leg that was reported by aid but when I asked her nurse on Wednesday what happened she said it wasn’t there Monday but I have proof reports on Saturday. Wednesday I raised hell about it that’s when she took pictures to send to dr 4 days later. I have POA can I get outside help to get her out or tested cognitive test I know she won’t pass it

Of course it is very clear a Forum of strangers cannot help you here.

Who is the POA here? Who is in charge? Other than a language barrier does mom have any dementia?

This is something you ALL need to meet TOGETHER about.
Present should be:
1. Admin of facility
2. Social worker of facility
3. Mom
4. You and Sis.

Second and third hand communication with several people and a language barrier is going to be a very confusing stew.
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Reply to AlvaDeer
lealonnie1 Oct 19, 2024
OP said she has POA and mom won't pass a cognitive evaluation.
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Rehab isn't jail. You have POA, so just check mom out AMA if need be, against medical advice. I take it you will be moving mom in with you upon release?

Good luck.
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Reply to lealonnie1
MissmyOma1930 Oct 20, 2024
Yes we’ve been living together but I’ve tried using my POA and caseworker says she spoke to my mom alone and she wants to stay. They shouldn’t even be talking to her without family present with her being 94,languages barrier and loss of hearing. Monday can’t come soon enough
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Your PoA needs to be activated, so she needs a cognitive and memory test by her primary physician who will make the diagnosis and put it in her records. You will need to bring an interpreter with you. I don’t know any way around this except to consult with an elder law attorney.
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Reply to Geaton777

You can have her tranferred to another facility. If she has a wound it must be cared for by a Woundcare Nurse. Rehab is voluntary, not mandatory. You can ask for her to be discharged. I used lack of money. They will try to keep her the 20days Medicare pays but after that Medicare pays only 50 %. Once you get her released, call her PCP and tell him/her she needs "in home care". Make sure to say Woundcare will be needed. This will get her a physical therapist and an aide to help with bathing.

As said, Rehabs are not prisons. If your POA is immediate, you can do what ever is needed. If you need a doctor to declare she is incompetent then ur POA is not invoked until you can do that. Make sure if you take her out, that you make it clear that there will be someone with her 24/7. Once home, she will be seeing her PCP. Better yet, make an appt with her PCP so she goes from the facility right to the doctors office. Then he can look at that wound.

You can take her to her own doctor while she is there. You can have her taken to ER concerning that wound. If they won't do it, you call. Once at ER, you can just take her home after they check her out. I would be surprised if the facility would take her back anyway if u had to call. Then I would see about her getting care in her home. I would ask for somone that speaks her language.

Rehab is voluntary. I know they word it as "we will be sending your LO to rehab". But it can be refused. You can ask at that time for in home services.
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Reply to JoAnn29
MissmyOma1930 Oct 20, 2024
Thank you for replying. I can’t believe I’m living a nightmare. From day one I told her caseworker she has language barrier and hard of hearing says yes to everything I made it clear nobody is to consult with her unless I’m ( her daughter caretaker live with her) or my older sister is present. Wednesday I have an atty. Coming in tomorrow I’m contacting social worker from outside to give her a cognitive evaluation. Regardless I took care of her better at home 24/7 than they do now. The food sucks, they don’t monitor fluid intakes no activity for those poor people in there. Had I known what this place is like I never would have put her there. Will keep updated. Ty
People on this forum have talked about predatory nursing homes that have managed to apply for and receive guardianship over their loved ones, if you want/need to play hard ball a cease and desist letter from a lawyer might be necessary.
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Reply to cwillie

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