I posted a couple weeks ago about everything my mom is going through. Today she’s very depressed and is saying she feels like someone else is in the house but she doesn’t know why. She said it happens a lot. She was almost in tears and distraught. I don’t know what this is? Could this be another dementia symptom? She’s not diagnosed but displays a lot of symptoms lately. I’m just very concerned.
In the meantime, I recommend a book Understanding the Dementia Experience by Jennifer Ghent-Fuller available used on Amazon for little money. It's a plain English discussion about dementia and how to deal with the symptoms and behaviors your mom is exhibiting. The 36 Hour Day is another good resource for you. More like a reference book....you can look up moms symptoms and see what to do, if anything, about them.
Best of luck to you.
I hope we advised you last time on researching.
It's the only way you can familiarize yourself with symptoms.
This is the face of dementia, which has 100s, if not 1,000s of presentations. All of them making no sense whatsoever to the rational mind.
I am so sorry. Do discuss with Mom's doc.
Get her a referral to a neurology dept. Neurology can access her and possibly schedule a 3 hour verbal test that maps a lot of different brain functions and can lead to a formal diagnoses of what kind of dementia she has or may have.
Does your mom actually see or hear people that aren't there?
My wife has vascular dementia and does have visual and auditory hallucinations that become more promenate at sundown, called Sundowning. Her episodes are controlled (not eliminated) by Seroquil prescriptions, one extended release and one fast acting. She takes both at bedtime.