
Reviews the calendar repeatedly

Attempting to control.
As a sort of OCD pretender until I can upgrade to the REAL THING, I love my calendar. I mean, I can tell you how many years since Lionel died, how many years since we placed foster dog Lady Bear (and a legion of others), when I paid this bill, what I got from Amazon. This along with the usual appointments and plans. It is quite the thing. I am afraid I am destined to follow soon (I'm 82) in your loved one's footsteps.

I must tell you that one of my favorite things of my new year is the buying of the BEST CALENDAR out there, getting all the history written in, and getting it hung up on the wall.

And I will tell you how lucky you are, as well.
For those of us very familiar with dementias and the sort of obsessive-compulsive swirl involved, an obsession with Calendars sounds simply WONDERFUL.

Best out to you.
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