Son POA for grandmother. She suffered ischemic stroke, which changed her personality and reasonable thinking, I wrote the question that I went looked and made demands on her behalf that my son follow the list of things that needed to be done, for her safety and well being. I have another question, My son announced that he and wife # 4 were moving to West Virginia and not returning to Illinois. He seldom went to see if she was ok but can a POA move out of state a long distance knowing he is not ever coming back, and remain POA. ? he did a pathetic job of it, but then knowingly moved to west Virginia How can this be? are there any related comments in the poa papers related to this issue, Thank you
Many successfully, are able to perform the duties from long distances. Perhaps a geriatric care manager woyld be able to help. Many times they are social workers that are able to help in difficult family situations like this sounds it may be.
If he is POA for Medical it might be difficult but not impossible to handle that from a distance but if he must sign anything at the hospital or doctors office again that means he must travel.
If he is willing to give up POA the same lawyer that drew up the first could be consulted and another drawn up. The problem is if the person that approved the POA is not cognizant you may have to go for Guardianship rather than POA. (not a great process, expensive and if you are guardian you will have to go to court to show how monies are spent)
If there is a secondary person named your son could resign his position and the secondary could take over, if he is not willing to do that but neglecting his duties then you would likely have to apply for guardianship if the grandmother is no longer competent.
As I remember from briefly skimming those posts before deciding not to step into an apparent mother/son minefield, the son is proxy for a grandmother. It was unclear if the GM was the son's, and Mater's mother, or if it was Mater's mother.
It was also unclear how Mater is involved, if she is, in the GM's care. As I read the other posts, I suspected the son was moving to get away from Mater. She seems to be very dissatisfied with him and wants him to march to the beat of her drum. Where the GM is in all this frictional situation is anyone's guess.