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if anybody yell at my mom i would jump up and slap her face silly and hard . nobody yells at my mother ! or pa .
yes hon u need make sure she gets wrote up or something cuz i believe shes refusing to give ur mom pain meds cuz she wants it for herself ! ya gotta watch that ! they say oh she had enuff cuz i done gave em to her but never did cuz shes takin it herself ! i have had known alot of nurses or cna get sfired overthat .
get ur mom home or transfer her to another place , sound slike that place is killing her slowly .... god bless her ! ...
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Years ago my mom had a stroke and could not walk or talk but believe me her eyes could tell u a lot. She was in a nursing home for a while and was terrified of this one nurse or aid (I don't remember which) My sister went to the nursing station and talked to whomever was in charge and told her that for some reason my mother was afraid of this one nurse. That this nurse was not to go near my mother and if she did there would be hell to pay.
She didn't go near my mom again and all went well.
I'm so tired of being afraid of saying something because they may do some harm to a loved one. Sometime u just have to let them know if some harm comes to your loved one that they will surely have to deal with you. What good would it do to wait to say something? If someone is going to be abusive to her they r more likely to do it if you don't say anything.
P.S. Home hospice would be a good choice if it was available to you. Good Luck & a Big Hug, Dane
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I agree with Dane. Something has to be said and the offender will then be on notice and probably will act decently. Elderly patients deserve and need attention NOW. I cannot believe a hospice organization would allow this to continue if they were aware of the situation.
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Lovemymom, I totally agree with Kelo54. Get your Mom out of that place, and have her come home for Hospice care. If they will help 24/7, you can get the help and compassion for your Mom as she is dying, and you and the family will be comforted to know she is not in pain and being yelled at! I can't believe anyone would yell at a 96 year old lady who is in pain and dying. That is inexcusable! She should have all the meds she needs to be pain free. Good luck, and God bless.
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We have only had one experience with hospice care, my husband's mother, and the care she received at that facility was wonderful. I have talked to friends in this area who have had bad experiences with different facilities run by different agencies. Based on that information, if a loved one was having a bad experience in one facility, I would try to find a different hospice. We live in a large metropolitan area so have many options. I hope you are able to resolve this disturbing situation.
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Lovemymom, The nursing home that my mother-in-law was in, had different sections for different problems. One section was for 'residents' that were never going to leave. Another section was 'short term'. I'm wondering if there is an area in that nursing home that is for terminal patients, that she could be moved to. Also, it doesn't surprise me that your mother fell and hurt herself. My nursing home experience was that there were too many patients, and not enough staff to keep an eye on everyone. Also, my m-i-l had to be tied to the chair in her room because she kept getting up by herself, and falling. She was so sure she could walk by herself (after breaking hip) and get to the bathroom alone. We had a really good relationship with the staff at the NH, that when we wanted her moved for whatever reason, they were more than willing to oblige us. It's the old honey & vinegar adage.
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You will need to contact the Attorney General's office of your state to report elderly abuse. You just report it and they will take it from there.
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I am really sorry that this is happening to you and your Mom. I was a hospice nurse, I agree that she should have been given more medication. I would contact first the director of nursing at the home. If he or she will not do anything contact your states Dept of Inspection and appeals. They take elder abuse and neglect VERY seriously...
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I would bring my concerns to the Dir, of Nursing and if that did not help go to the Board of Health in your state-they have to investigate even if they try to cover it up as they usually do when complaints are made and then get her into another facility right away.
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My mom was recently sent to a geriatric mental hospital for behavior changes to her medications. She was there for 28 days. She started telling us how afraid she was & that she was being hurt at night. I also saw blood on her blouse by her elbow & was never informed of any incident. I kept asking questions & was told the meds changes make them say things that are not true. She contracted 3 different type of uti infections while there. She was sent back to her nursing after I had a consult w/her Dr. After her bath I looked at her legs & also took a picture, she was bruised from her hips to her feet. I was told by the head nurse that they would do a report on their findings & let me know. That was on a Monday & on Friday I came back for the consult & report & it was not done & I was somewhat dismissed about the whole thing when I said maybe I need to report this to the council on aging. I really do like the nursing home she is in & she seems to be happy & most of the staff love her. Not sure what to do. I do have POA over her medical & financial affairs.
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