
My mother was dx with dementia and now my father is showing early signs. Their insurance sends a nurse to see them every two to three weeks and she is concerned for their safety and my fathers ability to care for my mother. We have all been trying to reach this Dr. including the NP and he will not return any call. This has been going on since Nov. He finally called my sister back after she left a "not so nice message" and said he will not talk to her she must make an appointment and come in and see him. I have never had this before with a signed HIPAA form. We feel he is being neglectful by not responding to any of us or the case workers. Thank you.

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If I'm not mistaken, even if a HIPPA form is signed, no information can be released over a the doctor cannot confirm that you are the person who is approved to have the information. They need to see you in person to verify your identity and share the information. You can see this in action where doctors and hospitals mail patients appointment reminders as they cannot call and be assured that the right person is receiving the information. My recommendation is to make the appointment and get the information you need.

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I'd find another doctor, perhaps a specialist, and drop this jerk. He gets paid for an office visit, and even though I've read that doctors are now charging for e-mail advice, he might not have figured that out and still wants the in-office consultation for billing purposes.

Are either of your parents still able to understand the purpose of a HIPAA form so that it could be provided to a new doctor?

On the other hand, you can also ask a new doctor to write to the uncooperative one, advising he/she's caring for your parents now, and ask that the records of your parents be forwarded to the new doctor. That's a quicker way than asking the uncooperative guy to send the records.

There's no excuse for not contacting a patient's family for that long a period of time. To me that isn't indicative of a doctor who's going to be attentive to other issues that might be raised.

I would also make sure that the home care nurse is documenting her concern for your parent's welfare.
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thank you both.
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