
I have 4 sibs, yet I care 100% for ALL of Mom's medical, housekeeping & financial life. Can I resign from healthcare responsibilities conferred by POA & healthcare surrogate yet still handle her financial paperwork? She is not competent to address changes to the legal paperwork, so would I be able to invoke POA to make the changes addressed above?

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Be very careful. Mom's POA is set up to allow relinquishing. However many want the power and not necessarily the responsibility associated with it.

If POA is set up with a second in line, then you can relinquish to that person. Another idea would be to hire a geriatric care manager, this you can do as the POA, to manage mom's health care, rather than go through guardianship.
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Since Mom is not competent the only way would be if the POA has a successor then they would take over.. If no successor then you can resign but a legal guardian would need to named..

Do you really want to go to court pay a substantial amount of money to appoint a guardian?

Hugs.. I know care giving is stressful...
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