
Mom started coughing last week while at sisters...she would cough to point of throwing up. Went to a walk-in clinic, gave her a pill to help quiet the cough and also put her on antibiotic to keep it from going bronchial. She seemed to be doing better once home until today. Started coughing badly again even though she is still on the meds. Got sick to her stomach. Now she doesn't want to eat anything and has just laid in bed all day. She suffers from dementia as well, so when I ask her if she feels badly or where or how she feels badly she can't anser my questions. I have made her a doctor appt. for Monday morning, but I really don't know if it's safe to keep giving her all her medications if she isn't eating, especially those for the diabetes, she takes both metformin and glyburide, two each in the morning and one each at night. And then, what about her other meds...blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, urinary incontinence, etc....will it harm her if she doesn't take them? It's been a battle getting them into her today!

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I'm right there with you. I never know what to expect from my father. Right now I'm taking inventory of his present aches, pains and disposition to see if he's showing signs of chronic kidney failure.
With all he has going on, it's highly likely. He has suffered from severe adrenal insufficiency twice before.
I never know what the next day will bring!
Glad to hear mom's up again, but keep a close eye on her. Like my grandmother's doctor once told me, "These little old ladies are totally unpredictable!" He was right. All 3 of my grandmothers and my two great aunts were fine one moment and gone within hours.
Women are always unpredictable, that's what makes us women!
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Thank you everyone...Mamoogins...I didn't even give the dehydration issue a thought until you brought it up. She did eat dinner last night and had some ice cream with bananas...she's on again, off again. I will monitor her closely this weekend and if I believe she needs, I will definitely get her to the hospital. Also in the process of getting her a new doctor...thought the one she was seeing was a geriatric dr., since my friend was taking her mom there and praised her...but I went looking online and find out that she is just a family physician. So...lots to do! Thanks again to everyone, it is so very good to have this site to come to especially "after hours"! Hugs to you all.
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I'm not a doctor either, but if she has dementia and cannot answer you, she probably needs to be admitted to the hospital. Dehydration, as well as all of her other problems puts her very much at risk.
If it doesn't feel right in your head, your stomach or your heart to see her suffering so, please get her to a hospital, even if you have to call 911. It's much better than seeing her suffer.
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I don't take my type 2 meds unless I eat. Per my doc orders but everyone is different. Call the clinic that you took her to. Maybe they can answer.
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Are you monitoring her blood sugar and blood pressure several times each day? I certainly am not qualifed to advise on meds and won't. Be sure to make a list of questions for the doctor Monday....What do we do about meds when Mom is not eating and/or throwing up? What should we do if blood sugar goes too low (this can make Mom feel very ill)? What blood pressure does he want your Mom to maintain? Same for blood sugar. Plus any other questions you can think of.

I always feel better going with written notes when taking Mom to the doctor. So much going on there, it is easy to forget a question you had in your head.

Is your doctor or assistance available by phone? It wouldn't hurt to call today and let them know what is going on. They may have a few suggestions to help you through the weekend.

Good luck!
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