
Only ever knew I had Medicaid someone put in system otherwise. I have never applied for Medicare DES office or Soshal Security Office will not help. One says no way cuz not eligible then DES says I have Medicare so can't get Medicaid I on SSI medicaly needy I get 9273 a year law says I qualify for Medicaid help nether office will listen.I need my insulin on pump

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When we talk about SSI we mean Supplimental Income. Is that what you are on? If so, you get Medicaid. If your on Social Security Disability, you get Medicare and maybe Medicaid. If you are 65 or older, you need to apply for Medicare.

Call Medicare and ask them if you are on it. If no, ask if you can have a letter stating that for Medicaid purposes. If yes, ask them how you got on it when you never applied.

I started collecting SS at 62. Because of that, I did not need to apply for Medicare, my card came automatically.
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You should be asking your social worker or case worker. This is a forum for caregivers.

Or you could just fill out the Medicaid forms yourself and apply for it. The state and the taxpayer shouldn't have to take care of everything.

-Request a Medicaid application form

-Fill it out

-Place it in the envelope that comes with the forms. The address is already on it so is the postage

-Put it in a mailbox
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If you're on SSI, depending on your state, you'd automatically qualify for Medicaid.
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Are you in Arizona? The only DES I come up with is Department of Economic Security.
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Yes, more info is needed for us to help guide you:

- what state and county do you live in?
- how old are you?
- what is DES?
- How were you paying for your insulin pump in the past?
- Are you on disability income?
- Do you have a case worker who is assigned to you (for Medicaid)?
- Are you living independently or in a facility?
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