
Have you had to surrender a pet for a loved one? If so, did you take them to the vet or the city pound?

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Why do you have to surrender the pet? Is it your pet? Can you find a friend to adopt the pet? Yikes... I don't think my AD mom would surrender my dogs for me!!
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Although I am a Wildlife Rehabilitator, the local police will call me from time to time to go to an elderly person's house who has no car. They will have a very old dog or a cat that is no longer eating and usually pretty thin and weak. I will sit and talk with them, I hold their pet and talk to both of them. They will tell me the pet's entire life story and much about their own. A dog who makes 14 or a cat that lives to 17 has had good care and I tell them so. I never rush them. When it is time to go, I wrap the cat or dog in a warm blanket and I tell the owner to give them one last kiss, one more touch of silky ears and I assure them I will stay with them to the end. I transport them in a warm carrier to the SPCA. I tell them kitty/puppy needs help crossing the Rainbow Bridge. We go back to a private room where a vet tech administers the meds and I hold the pet. It is all over in a flash, they relax, immediately fall asleep and then everything stops. Less than 30 seconds and they are free of pain. People should have it so good.
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There are two places that are good to surrender a pet -- a rescue organization or the humane society. A rescue is better if the pet is older or would not attract people to adopt it. Humane societies will make a decision on how adoptable the animal is. If it is a no-kill shelter, it will try to find a home. Otherwise the pet will be euthanized.

I would personally never surrender a pet for a loved one. My pets are family to me. I take pet ownership about the same as most people do parenthood. If a pet gets with me, it's stuck till death us do part. My rabbit is probably plotting my demise at this moment so he can be free. :)
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That broke my heart Pam :( I've only had to put one dog to sleep in my lifetime, he was 17 with cancer. A chicken nugget happy meal with a little sleeping pill inside and off to the vet. Cried for days. My now 17 year old stray was that dogs little her sister is 12 and my youngest is 4? All were rescues.... and yes, to death do we part.
There are many dog rescue's around, some are for elderly dogs only. Google a search in your area and you'll find plenty of places that will help the pooch in need.

I flew my dogs from Florida to Oregon. One in the cargo hold one in my lap...just no way I was leaving my entire life and my dogs. Not happening. Dogs give great comfort to the elderly as well. Maybe there is a great alternative that can be done aside from giving up the pet?
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LuvCosmos, is it your pet or your loved one's? I have the same questions Jeanette did. Really, the answer would be the same no matter who "owned" the pet. Give it a home if you can, and find it a home otherwise. All paws crossed for the pet.
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My question would be are you surrendering the pet because the owner can no longer take care of the animal or are you surrendering the pet because it is ill or dying.
If it is because the owner can no longer take care of the pet, it depends upon the age of the pet. If it is an older animal then I would try to find a rescue in your area. If you have difficulty with that then please contact me privately and I will try to put you in contact with a rescue in your area that takes older pets. If you take an older animal to the pound they will more than likely put the animal to sleep within three days. That is no way to treat any living thing if it still has the capacity to have a full life with another human.
If you are contemplating putting the pet to sleep because it is ill then you and its owner can take it to the vet and have it humanely put to sleep.
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No need to panic. It was a hypothetical question.
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That was a stupid hypothetical question. Don't waste our time.
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LuvCosmos - JessieBelle is just too nice, I, however, am not….just WTF were you thinking to post a ? like that on this or any other site??? This site has oodles of caring compassionate folks & professional experts that dedicate & donate their time and expertise to be able to be a sounding board &/or source of information for those who are dealing with real life and often critical situations with their elderly family. Pause & think before you ever do something like this again, please!
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This was a valuable question. If you love your parent and can find a place in your life for their belongings, furniture, and money, then WHY can't you offer a year or two more for their beloved pets? It would seem the greatest way to honor them as you are missing them in life. Pets are not disposable items, and I work in pet rescue. The abandoned pet grieves and usually not for long because some are euth'd the same day they are surrendered and the others within 3 days. The fantasy that someone else is going to adopt your senior pet when YOU won't, is just that--a fantasy. Many of these rescues for older pets consist of pets in cages, never let out. If you can find room for your parents' things, you can find room for their cats, dogs, birds, rabbits et al.
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I'm just asking in case my elderly father dies before his dog does. I live in an apartment that only allows one dog and I cannot have another, nor can I find an apartment that takes 2 dogs. I don't have room for my father's things either. You people are really strange and panicking over nothing. My dad has 2 people to take care of him, more than I will ever have. It will be up to them first; just worried it may fall to me as last in line.
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my mom wanted me to take her parrot. not happening even if parrot and i are friends. sis picked me a flower at the funeral and kept arm twisting me to take it. my kid finally had to tell her " he dont want no gd houseplant " .. im living my life, not a slave to anything.. when china gets that rail built over the bering strait im on that pot metal piece of crap like medieval knieval..
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