
This is so frustrating and dangerous. We have a fit-in appointment with another NP this afternoon as DH’s primary PA is not available.
I understand the need for him to be seen again, but a full work up including blood work was done after the last UTI to see if underlying cause could be determined; it wasn’t. The last two were the same organism so I am assuming this one will be as well.
I understand this is unusual in men and it’s important to determine why it continues to happen, but by UTI #3, I don’t understand why he can’t just go to our local affiliated lab and pee in a cup and get started on the ABX that worked the last 2 times. He doesn’t get the usual symptoms and I understand that is typical in the elderly so catching things early is difficult. I also know that jumping on it too early for culture growth is useless.
Obviously a pattern is establishing and I would think getting him started on meds as soon as possible would be better than waiting.
So, questions: does D-mannose or other supplement work for men? It does for me. Should I press for permission to make a quick trip to the lab for a C & S next time so we can avoid the several hour wait and long trip in with a sick husband to see a different NP every time? What do you do?

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D-mannose works for me. And would work for a male in that its mode of action is simply to stop the bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall. It's a simple supplement. May or may not work for him, and worth a try. I use Source Natural Amazon, about 34.00 for 120 capsules. They are large so for any swallow problems just empty capsule on food. It is actually tasty.

That may not be the answer.
Be certain microscopic is being done here, because you are correct this is a bit unusual in men. The bacteria may not all be being killed if he isn't taking the antibiotic regularly and ALL of them. He may be STRENGTHENING the bacteria by it being either the wrong antibiotic or not taking all of it.

Good luck, P.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Peasuep Oct 17, 2024
I’ll run it by the NP this afternoon. For me, D-mannose is magic. Didn’t know you could sprinkle them on food. Excellent tip as swallowing can sometimes be a problem.
I will also ask about micro. I know his primary is concerned about this and it’s all in his chart so maybe this will spur a sooner appointment than his regularly scheduled one in March (!) We’re really careful about taking the ABX as directed.
Thanks, Alva.
Peasuep, does your husband stay hydrated? Honestly I would give him half cranberry and half water to drink a few times a day see if that helps, for prevention, not for cure or to replace meds or doctors.

But it wouldn't hurt anything.

Being younger, if I feel a UTI coming on I flush my body for days with water and cranberry juice. And it works for me anyways.

It should be the unsweetened cranberry juice, good brand too. Ocean spray.

Just to reiterate, by no means do I mean not to see a urologist. That's utmost important.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Peasuep Oct 17, 2024
Thanks Nacy. If we can get through this one you can bet I’ll try anything. D-mannose has been a lifesaver for me when plain cranberry juice wasn’t enough. But it was my hairdresser that recommended it! The doctors just kept waiting for me to get sick and then suffer in that miserable condition for an appointment and antibiotic. Ridiculous!
He should be seeing a urologist if this is ongoing. My Mom was on cranberry tablets and a probiotic which seemed to keep her from having more. UTIs in men are serious and can become septic.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29
Peasuep Oct 17, 2024
That’s why I’m getting so frustrated with this back and forth and wait, wait, wait. DH’s dad died of sepsis although not from UTI and that has me really worried every time this happens.

No one has ever recommended any form of preventative but you can bet this time I’m going to ask.
D Mannose and/or cranberry pills. Also see if any prescription meds have side effects of urinary issues. Mom was on CMementine and got recurrent UTI's. Once I discontinued the med, they stopped.

My boyfriend got a UTI in his late 50's. It was extremely painful. They never determined a cause. He now chugs cranberry juice to help prevent them.
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