
About 2 months ago mom couldn't walk but had no other symptoms. I called an ambulance and she had pneumonia and blood clots that traveled from her leg to her lungs.
She came home 5 days later and she was placed on hospice care. She got a hospital bed and a Hoyer lift (which was of no use to her due to her thin skin).
Over a year ago I hired an aide to come in Monday thru Friday to help me and she has been a blessing.
Mom isn't eating much (some days she does swallow a scrambled egg) and drinks juice (Pedialyte). At night she drinks soup I made.
She has to be moved in her bed to prevent bed sores which is not easy for me to do alone even though she's thin.
So it's a matter of time. I'm very sad. I took care of her for 12 years and she was very easy to take care of. I don't regret any of it.

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JennaRose, may The Lord be with you and your mom during this difficult time.

You have been a blessing to her and everyone here that has heard your story.

May you find peace, comfort and joy now and for your future. (((HUGS)))
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It's so very difficult to witness this end of life journey, I know.

As far as moving mom in bed to prevent bed sores goes, you only have to move her a quarter turn every 2 hours. Not much, in other words. Waffle boots to protect her heels are a great idea too.

I pray that God gives you strength and endurance to bear this caregiving journey that lies ahead. And that moms transition is peaceful and comfortable.

Sending you love and empathy, my friend. One day at a time.
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JennaRose, thinking of you. 😊
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Blessings to you both. I pray your Mom has a peaceful passing, and that you can find some peace in all this as well. I cared for my Mom all my adult life - it was an honor - she passed 10 years ago. Now, I'm here with Dad - he's in the final stages of Lewy Body Dementia - Not sure how long he will hang in there, but he's not eating much at all any longer, and sleeps most of the day away. So, I think his time is coming as well. Take care.
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Mom passed away yesterday morning (August 14). I'm feeling very sad and in a bit of shock.
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KNance72 Aug 15, 2024
So sorry your Mom Passed get some rest . I find after a person leaves us we really Need to take care of Ourselves . Your Mom will always be in Your heart .
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Oh Jenna, I am so sorry for your loss. May The Lord give you grieving mercies, strength and comfort during this difficult time.
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My deepest condolences on the loss of your dear mom JennaRose. Try to remember mom laughing and happy, and force your thoughts away from her last moments. I do that myself and it helps a lot. You were a wonderful daughter to her, and for that you can be proud of yourself.

Sending you a big hug and a prayer for peace.
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Jenna, I can say from my experience no matter how much you are prepared, how much you see decline it is still a shock.
Of course you are sad. I don't think anyone would expect otherwise.
Now you need to be kind to yourself.
Ignore all those that try to rush you to "get over this".
You grieve in your own time, your own way.
Take time for you to take care of yourself.
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I would like to add my condolences and suggest that you follow up with grief support that your mom’s hospice should make available. Talking with people that understand great loss can offer a comfort like nothing else.
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JennaRose Aug 15, 2024
Thank you for your words. I did find out there is a grief support group and I'll find out more about it soon. I plan on attending as I could use the support. Thanks!
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((((((hugs)))))), Jenna. I'm so sorry. Take time to process this. You have worked hard for your mom and may feel lost for a while. Glad to see you are considering a grief support group.
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