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No, Pinky. I don't. Because when I came here, I asked questions that I'm sure had been answered a thousand times before! I think most of us don't find the exact answer to our question when we search the site and have specifics that we want to get answered.
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Not really. Sometimes you are so overwhelmed you dont know where to start. My mom died six months ago but i still seek support of this group. It has been a Godsend! I do wish they would put a big banner at the very beginning that says "NOONE IS GOING TO PAY YOU FOR CAREGIVING."
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No. I think that some people don't see the search site box to look up possible answers and find it easier to just post the question. When I don't have an idea how to answer, I will often use the search site feature to look up articles and threads on a subject and paste the links for the person to look up. What I do tire of is the few who seem to be playing games online. They are hard to spot at first, but after a while things become questionable. The other thing that bothers is when someone will create 2 or 3 threads with the very same question.
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The only question that I do get tired of is the most popular one about can I get paid for doing this?
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I agree cmagnum, getting paid for caring for my mom is no concern to me. This website helps me so much. I'd be crushed if it disappeared.
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LOL! I do get a little tired of some of the more common questions, I think anyone who has spent some time here has seen them pop up over and over again. I lurked here and studied everything on this site for over a year before I posted and I still haven't had to ask a new question of my own, someone else has usually covered it. I pop in here several times a day to see what else I can learn and to check up on other posters so I really notice those repetitive questions, but I know people really want those answers. This site is fantastic.
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I love this place as it has really helped me. I've learned so much here.

I try to be sensitive to new questions, because those posters are normally, like I was, stressed out, scared, and overwhelmed. It's a lot to expect them to come here, get familiar with the site and research their issues. So, I understand why we see so many duplicate questions. It's probably out of desperation.

What frustrates me is that there are some issues that I just don't have any advice on, because I haven't encountered it. I know some things, but outside of that, I'm afraid I have no advice. So, when the post doesn't get any response after a day, I feel bad for them.

I've posted question that got only one or two responses and I figure no one knows what to tell me. Then I see some posts that get 30 responses in one day! It's difficult to figure. I just try to respond to make sure everyone feels welcome and cared for.
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I usually don't read the questions if I don't think I can be helpful in any way. I know that each person coming in is introducing themselves with a question they are pondering. I would say it is best to be welcoming, since we know what each other is facing. I am thankful that there are people on the group who are willing to give serious answers to the financial questions. When it comes to Medicaid, I am always glad to see Igloo's name. She is a rare jewel.

The only thing that I get tired of is seeing some of the snippish responses that people give. A couple of people are really bad to be rude and I've wondered why they are even with the group except to show their butt at least once a day. If their aim is to drive off new members, it probably works. Some might think that certain posters need a good swift kick, but I think that if we don't have something helpful to say we should just keep our hands in our lap and not on the keys.

Another thing that bothers me is when I see someone who has painted themselves in a corner refuse to do anything about getting out of the corner. I don't usually respond whenever I read, since I know my words wouldn't be helpful. I realize that some people are most comfortable when they are in the corner.

When I came in, I didn't use search. I think my first post I came in complaining about something. I still do, though I'm not as angry. Since I came in, I notice that other people have the same situation. It is like we are sisters and brothers from different mothers.
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Regarding the short, terse answers. I've just put it down to iPhones. If you are tapping out a question or answer on a TINY keyboard, you'll naturally use as few keystrokes as possible. If, like me, you are sitting here with a laptop, you tend to type a more wordy response. I tend to be wordy and that's sometimes as bad as being short and to the point.

Since there is no edit function, I wish everyone would take that extra minute and re-read what they wrote to see if it makes sense. You know what you mean to say and what the facts are - but no one else does. Sometimes just a little more information is key.

I think any question deserves attention, even when there is no cut and dried solution.
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I've been on this site several years. (I've posted 10,000+ times.) I seldom see a completely new question any more.

It does not bother me to see the same questions over and over. It doesn't even bother me to answer them over and over, if I have something to contribute.

If repeat questions start to bother you, maybe it is time to take a break from the site, or to find a different discussion board.
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Even the same questions, often times have received different answers from me. As I learn more, I share more with more knowledge and experience.
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Some questions asked may sound repetitive. The answers provided are NOT, though. We ask questions to get an answer. That's what matters most.
Since many of the questions revolve around senior-related issues, many of which pertain to illness, suffering, and ailments, it is not surprising to find some kind of resemblance.Yet, the details provided by the person asking the question, the way the ensuing pain is portrayed, the detailed descriptions provided DO MAKE a DIFFERENCE. We all put our heads together to answer the questions in the forum, a UNIFYING FACTOR. Much relief and Healing has been achieved through the help, and practical insights and tips offered by the respondents. Besides,the INTERACTIONAL side of it makes the site worth the while.
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Questions questions questions, and then answers...Sometimes we need to see them again, or we weren't looking before, and now we need it. If you are tired of the same question, ignore it and move on to what you need to read. I just answered a question that was first asked in 2012. Didn't realize it until I read the whol question. My fault, I just don't read thoroughly sometimes....
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And on that note: What's For Dinner? :)
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I don't mind. When I first posted I now realize I was not just looking for answers I was looking for connection. Each answer was a light in the dark, a person who cared and understood. That means so much.
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I also feel that people find this site sometimes during a point of depression, desperation, fear, anger, etc....They just want answer. There are no wrong questions, sometimes a conversation that begins as one of the "same old" questions can yield new results. People need someone who understands. Many are lost. Be kind.
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What I find disheartening is when someone post a simple question, and then we ask for more information.... then that information turns into a short novel... then as more answers appear, the story line gets larger and larger going off in a half dozen different directions, and there are so many holes in the story you don't know what to believe anymore.... and at the end of it all you feel like you've been had by someone who was bored and wanted attention. I could have been using that time to help someone who was legit. Some times I see the same writing style, same pattern as to answering us back, but a new screen name. Some story lines have been quite entertaining :)

One thing I really wish one would do when posting is to break the post into separate paragraphs. Maybe it is just me, but I find one very long post with no breaks hard to read and can lose my place. Guess it depends on what device one is using to type, maybe it won't allow paragraph breaks. I was surprised the other day when someone said that the "search site" near the top of the page doesn't show up on their device.
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I've noticed that even if I make paragraphs on my phone, the post first get posted

With that format!
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Babalou, I ran into the posting situation on another website I use to frequent. Even using a regular computer w/keyboard, the paragraphs would run together. Then some of us tried double spacing between the paragraphs and that worked :) Don't know if that would work on a phone. I am still in the back century with a small cellphone with a slideout keyboard that is too tiny to type with any accuracy.
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I am grateful for learning what is on people's minds. Different folks have different answers, and even the same ones will experience and learn more so I think it's all good!
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I'm relatively new, so maybe I'm just not tired of it yet. But I think people often ask questions just for the chance to commiserate or hear from other people that face the same issues, even if there aren't any real answers. So reading how the question was answered in the past may not satisfy the need to hash it out in the present when the poster is dealing with the issue.

The question about getting paid does get a bit repetitive, but it shows me (somewhat alarmingly) how unprepared most of us are, how little we know or understand when we first start doing this. It's shocking, considering how many people are in this position, that there's no real public discussion or awareness of how it all works. We all seem to be making it up as we go along.

I agree with the poster who said that if I don't have anything to contribute, I just don't read the thread. I don't feel compelled to read everything - I only want to use my experience where it might really help somebody else.
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