
We need help paying bills, & he needs health insurance. What do I do?

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You'll need a good Dr. to help with all the paperwork. If you cannot do it yourself, get a good disability lawyer to get the approval. With congestive heart failure I think he'll get approved. Make sure the Dr submits the paperwork properly.
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Shane1124 Aug 2020
CHF is an extremely common condition that is managed well with medications. Lots of Folks with CHF can work. Unless he has end stage cardiomyopathy I don’t believe his PMH will qualify him.
Cretain things are considered disability, while other things that seem they would warrant disability don't qualify. There is so much fraud in this area, receiving deserved benefits is challenging and frustrating. Hire a attorney that specializes in disability benefits. The doctors are the ones that are the most helpful. If the doctors feel your husband is able to work. They will not provide documentation to social security to assist you in receiving benefits.
Best of luck
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First you need to apply for Social Security Disability. I would go to your County Social Services to start. He, for now, may qualify for SSI which is a supplimental income. This should come with Medicaid. In the meantime, they can help you with the Social Security application. Your husband maybe turned down the first time. This is where you get a SS lawyer to help handle his appeal. His fee is based on the back pay your husband will receive once he qualifies. Back pay starts from the date of his first application. The lawyer received 25% of that or not more than a specified amount. When my nephew qualified it was 15% and not more than 6k. Of course, you will need documentation from all his doctors saying that his CHF keeps him from working. My Dad received SSD at age 52 and my cousin about the same age for a back injury. Once he qualifies, he should receive Medicare and Medicaid as his suppliment.

Office of aging maybe able to help to but I started with Social Services.
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In another posting you ask about appealing denial of disability for yourself, mentioning that you're epileptic. It sounds as though you and your husband are hurting financially, need insurance, etc. As others with more knowledge have posted, it's very difficult to get a disability determination and it's a long process. In the near term, you should be pursuing other options for assistance if you haven't already, e.g., Medicaid for health care, welfare benefits, housing subsidy, food stamps, etc. And, as others have posted, is there any work you or your husband can do, given your medical condition(s), even if it's just part time? What kind of work did you and your husband do before?
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He may not qualify. There are many 50 yr olds out there with the same issues. CHF can be well managed with medication.

Have you as a couple considered applying for Medicaid? If you are getting low on resources you may want to consider applying for Medicaid.

SSDI claims are being scrutinized very closely these days due to past misuse of the program. I wouldn’t count on getting it, however.

Do you or your husband work? I’m asking as you may investigate to see if you/he has STD & LTD to use for the 6 month waiting period.
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