
The patient is "digging" in their butt due to pain  from hemerroid, but is not there?

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Time for consult with doctor. You might first try citrucel once daily to ensure a good, easy to pass stool, and see if this stops the constipation and pain that comes with hardened stool. A stool softener such as Colace may help and can be purchased over the counter.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

I would ensure that they are being kept clean, that can cause itching that can lead to pain.

Maybe look at products being used, they can cause irritation if the patient is having an allergic reaction.

Personally, I would get them to a doctor and see if there is something physical that is going on. Along with the above.
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Reply to Isthisrealyreal
Anxietynacy Jul 28, 2024
They make wipes for adults, to keep the behind cleaner.

Also I would after a BM and they are clean, try Tuck's. You could even put them in the crack of the bottom and leave them on for like 15 minutes.
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Male or female?
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Reply to cover9339
lealonnie1 Jul 28, 2024
What's the difference cover? Both genders have behinds, don't they?
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I would also try to give the area lots of air, if it's possible,

It may just be an annoying Anal itch, you could try some destine for a couple days, or powder, to keep it dry. See if it helps
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Reply to Anxietynacy

If your loved one has been checked and cleared for internal hemorrhoids, you can dress them in a Depends with an anti strip suit to prevent them from getting their hands into their rectum:

Good luck.
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Reply to lealonnie1

Are you working in a NH ir facility? If so, this is a question for the nursing staff. They need to be awarebof the problem.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

They very well could have internal hemorrhoid's causing them great pain. You can have their doctor do an internal exam to verify.
Have you tried inserting some Preparation H into their rectum to see if they get any relief? If not you may want to try that.
My late husband often suffered greatly with internal hemorrhoids and actually had to have surgery twice to remove them.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to funkygrandma59
cover9339 Jul 28, 2024
Interesting, if pain wouldn't they want to avoid irritating the area as much as possible?
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