
She expects me to sit down every time I go to clean and cook for her until she's through complaining about her son's or what ever else is on her mind. When I don't she calls her sister and tells her lies to get sympathy. In return her sister has threatened to turn me in for elder abuse. I don't get paid to help her. They have it set up so in exchange for helping her I get to live on her land. I have very little income and barley keep my power bill paid. My only source of income is if I sell something on FB Marketplace place. What do I do ?

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Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to ZippyZee

You should be getting paid as a caregiver.
If you are not getting paid you do one of the following:
Ask that you start getting paid for the hours you work. Stipulate that you will quit if you do not get paid.
"Living on the land" is NOT fair compensation for caregiving.
Stop caregiving. If the person is a vulnerable senior and there is no family that will care for her if she can not care for herself call APS and or your State's Elder Abuse number and report an unsafe situation.

No matter what you do if she hits you
Leave the room, call 911 and tell the dispatcher that you have been hit, you feel unsafe.
Press charges. Otherwise they are not going to do anything and the cycle will continue. But you will have to leave the property.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Grandma1954
CaringinVA Jul 11, 2024
Agree with you 100 percent, @Grandma.
Nope, nope, and nope. This setup is not working. Please do what you need to do to get out of this abusive situation. Caregiving does not involve someone putting their hands on you, or calling you out of your name.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to CaringinVA

If you are getting your power bill there, you’re a tenant. And as such, you can technically just stay in the house she gave you without helping her at all. Tell the sister that as she’s accused you of elder abuse, you’ve removed yourself from her presence. Use your time to send out resumes. They hit you with the 30 day notice, you take that to the tenants rights group in town, and delay it for as long as you want.

Chances are, they’ll give you some go-away money.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to PeggySue2020

JuneJoy, I can't believe that people still think they can get "free labor" by offering a person a place to live. I know for some new caregivers this may sound like a good plan not having to pay rent.

Then one realizes there isn't an income to pay for everyday needs. No income to pay for health insurance/doctor/dentist. No income to put gas in the car. No money going into Social Security/Medicare. Zero money going into savings. Does selling items on-line even pay for your groceries? Where are you getting items to sell to even get a small income?

I would pack up and go to a homeless shelter. Unless you are living in your own trailer, find a camp ground for the time being. Large stores are always looking for shelving help.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to freqflyer

That's not a fair barter by any means: you are getting the very short end. Do you how much caregivers can get paid? Are you there for more than 40 hrs? On call? Do other tasks? Apply at an agency or look on

Do you even have a written contract? No?

The person you are caring for sounds like they are mentally ill or has dementia, or both. Run away... this isn't going to end well for you.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777

Time to move on
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to againx100

Is there some reason you cannot get a job?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Fawnby

I don’t understand how you can survive with no income . Eventually you will run out of things to sell .

Get out of this situation . Go stay at a homeless shelter if you have to while you look for a job , then find a room to rent or share an apartment .
Or as already suggested , if you have a mobile home , move it off this person’s land.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to waytomisery

How old are you? Why are you unable to get a different job? Not being judgy, just need more info for context of your situation. Like if you tell us you are on SSDI, or something like that, it may change what we advise you to do and when.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

When she hits you., that is assult and you can call the police. You are a tenant and as such she has to evict you. If given a 3 day evict, you don't leave you let it go to court. This gives you some time. When you go to court, you explain the situation and why the eviction was brought. By calling the police its on record that she assaulted you so you stopped working for her. May give you even more time.

How old are you? Do you have SS? Medicaid for health? You need to get your ducks in a row. Go to Social Services and see if they can help. Maybe putting u up in a motel with food vouchers. Help find u a place within your means. The only one who can get you out of this situation is you.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29

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