
Dad with hoarding/OCD/depression/personality disorder causes him to rage, threaten, lecture, attack in home care staff and they refuse to work, leaving 100% dependent mom without treatment. She almost died from malnutrition because he refused to feed her anything other than the TV dinners he insists on eating. His verbal assaults on her and any care staff put her safety at risk, he is increasingly isolating her from third parties who might provide support or options. He has cut me off for acting on her behalf. He manipulates friends and family members to ensure he has total control at all times. I'm not even sure what is possible, my brother and I both live out of state so it's a challenge and a heartbreak.

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Call APS(Adult Protective Services)right now in the city where your parents live and report this horrific situation. And don't sugar coat it, but be very honest so they understand the severity of it.
They will come out and do an assessment and take it from there. And hopefully your mom will be removed from the home and placed into a facility, where she will receive the 24/7 care she requires.
So call RIGHT NOW!!!
Helpful Answer (6)

When he's raging consider instructing "someone" (a neighbor, aids, anyone) to call 911 and tell them he may be having a medical problem (like a UTI) -- if you tell them he's having a mental problem they may not take him to the ER, which is where he seems to need to go. He needs to become a "social admit" and kept in the psych wing until they get his behavior stabilized. If he's old enough he may be experiencing dementia himself. But then, who will take care of your Mom is he's in the hospital? Would he be able to check himself out?

You won't be able to get anything accomplished to protect your Mom yourself unless you spend about 2 weeks there figuring out how to help her. You don't have to do this but then don't expect any miraculous solution, either. Calling APS is a strategy and hopefully they can remove her out of the house but they have to get legal guardianship first, so it may not happen right away. This is assuming no one is your Mom's PoA, and your Dad isn't, either. Then the court-appointed legal guardian will make all decisions related to your Mom and find placement for her in a facility.

Where is the care staff coming from? Who is arranging it and paying for it? You/your family?

The other extreme option is that your family stages a "rescue". It's planned in advance. Someone distracts your Dad, in the meantime someone else secretly packs some of your Mom's things and someone else secretly gets your Mom out of the house without your Dad's knowledge. My cousins did this for my Aunt and it worked. You don't disclose to your Dad where your Mom is after this. And this is assuming your Mom is not cognitively able to make good decisions for herself anymore. You will also need a plan as to where your Mom will then go and who will finance it.

I'm sorry for this distressing situation. May you gain clarity, wisdom, courage and peace in your heart as your work to help your Mom.
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LilMsJoy6978: Contact APS.
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Has anyone asked what Mom wants? Does she communicate well? Does she telephone? Calls pleading for help? What are her health needs? Is there dementia or other cognitive issues?

Has asyone asked Dad what he needs? What would help him to help Mom?

He's heating up tv dinners. OK, it's not home cooked food, but better than toast every night. He may not know about meal deliveries or companies that deliver better quality frozen meals.

I agree to call APS. Report so a file is opened & they both get the chance to talk about what they need to 'age in place'.

I write this not to disregard what you say re any neglect, but to point out sometimes we don't know the full story.

I have had non-family wonder/question about my LO: not bathed, hair unwashed, stale clothes etc. It was not neglect by the caregivers - the caregivers (spouse & paid aides) were trying hard but struggling to find strategies for my LO's stubborn refusal of hygiene care.

I would absolutely call APS & report the facts I knew, disclose any diognised mental health conditions plus any suspicions of neglect I had.

But if Mom says "I'm fine".. if Mom chooses to stay with Dad above all else.. then what?
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