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Respite is relief. If you care for someone, especially if you live in with them, you will find that you have very little time to and for yourself. The day and evening is looking after someone else. You will more than likely have no privacy and will be limited to coming and going as you please. Respite is time out, where your loved one goes to either a day center, or away for a week or two so that you as a carer have some time off. Everyone needs a vacation and time to themselves.
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Respite care can also come into your home and take care of your loved one while you are away. If Hospice is involved, they normally provide respite care for the caregiver to have time to themselves.

We have to take care of ourselves first so we can give the best care to our loved ones.
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And where does one find this respite? I have been unable to locate a caregiver that is willing to take on both Mom and Dad for a week to 10 days while we go on vacation. There are nursing homes that would take them for a 30 day period but they won't go there. Dad balks at the cost of in home care. I'm really stuck.
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