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Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia. Other dementias include vascular dementia, Pick's disease, dementia with Parkinson's and many more.

So, Alzheimer's is just one of many dementias, but the best known, these days, because of its prevelence and also because of news articles.
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I understand it as Dementia is a condition which is a general term with various causes of which one cause could be AD. I believe the only proper diagnosis of AD is autopsy, but I did read that recently they are able to see AD in brain scans now they know what to look for.
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I was born with a birth-father, age 54, who acquired dementia early in life. It is still the most heart-breaking thing to tell anyone about because not only do the first born half-siblings not recognize me, but the the birth-father never did when he was alive. Is there a blood test or brain scan that can diagnose this disease early?
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My mother has vascular dementia. Her doctor said that with Alzheimer's, a person's memory seems to disappear from the present but retains information from the distant past. With Mom's dementia, her memory is like Swiss cheese - she has no memory of my father whatsoever - distant nor more current, but she can remember the names of some of our childhood friends. She can't remember her grandchildren, but sometimes she can remember something from a month ago.

The best thing so far in this trial is that now she doesn't remember that she can't remember - or when she does, she doesn't care. When this first started, she was grieved that she couldn't remember people and major events. Now she rolls with it. Matter of fact.

At the end of the day, I'm not sure if it matters if it is AD or dementia, the results either way can be heartbreaking for their caregivers.
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Are the hallucinations and talking to people who have passed on signs of the dementia or are there other reasons? Doctor says it is not her medicine, she has dementia. But, I see a decline in her every day. Even during the day she will see and hear people or things. Sleeps alot. Is all of this signs of dementia or is it signs of getting mentally and physically worse. She is 88 yrs old.
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Lilylu, I watched a Dr Oz show one day that had a family of siblings, I think there were 4 of them. Three out of the four had early onset alz. And yes, they did find out that the one sibling didn't carry the gene. I believe it was through a blood test. I don't remember how many of their parents had passed it down though.
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Thanks. I'll ask my primary care physician. I have been learning about DPS (deep brain stimulation) and grey matter atrophy in relation to tremors. This option is getting increasingly more available to us younger folks.
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Since the heading for this section is Alzheimer's & Dementia it really does sound like it is two different things. But Alzheimer's is a type of dementia. It is like a heading that says Chicken Pox and Contagious Diseases. A more accurate heading would be Alzheimer's and Other Dementias.
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Nonamecaregiver, hallucinations and delusions can certainly be a part of dementia. In fact visual hallucinations early in the progression is a hallmark of Lewy Body Dementia. That doesn't rule out other possibilities. Was the doctor who diagnosed dementia more specific? Did he or she indicate what type of dementia they suspected, or suggest further tests or seeing a specialist? Getting mentally and physically worse is what happens in dementia. The rate of the decline and the nature of the symptoms vary with the type of dementia and from individual to individual. There is no cure for dementia, but there are treatments that help improve the quality of life.
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My father has been in a nurseing home now for 5 months. He had one leg amputed, has poor circulation , diabetes, has very little strength. Cannot not do anything for himself. Most of the time he is helped into a wheel chair or lying in bed. Just recently, he sleeps a lot, sees people and insects, and talks to people that are not their. It has me so afraid for him. This came on so suddenly , in a matter of 3 days, with no improvement. He had blood work done, upon which all turned out to be very good. Can you tell me where all this came from?
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Has he been tested for a UTI?
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we have a loved one with prion's disease which manifests itself as a rapidly declining dementia -- what can we expect
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