
I I was always promised me and my twin brother that we'd received a house and my brother died 20 years ago and she was keeping my check I didn't think nothing of it and here I found out one day that she had signed it over to my nephew and she kept it a secret from me because she knew it would frustrate me disgust me and she knows it's wrong so she went she went to get it back or try to get it put into my name and she made just keeps making excuses and that was my retirement and she's afraid of her sister I guess who's been using her whole life I just looking for a therapist or somebody I can talk to because all my mother does is lie.Her her sister controls her and takes everything from her took the grandparents house all the rent money for the last 20 years everything's nothing's in my mother's name she don't own anything and I don't know what to do it's killing me

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If you think fraud was involved, get a lawyer and call the sheriff.

Other than that, no one is owed an inheritance (though, yes, we expect one).
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Reply to anonymous144448

Brian, lesson here is NEVER rely on ‘pie in the sky’ – whether through an inheritance or through blessings in heaven for everything you suffered on earth.

If you want the inheritance ‘pie’, it needs to be tied up legally. A will doesn't tie the strings tight enough.
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Reply to MargaretMcKen

An Inheritance is a gift given to another after death most likely provided through their Last Will & Testament verbal promises mean nothing.

It's over, go on with your life away from your mother. One should never plan on an inheritance to provide for their retirement, that would be your responsibility to plan for.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MeDolly
MargaretMcKen Nov 4, 2024
Don't rely on a will either. They can easily be changed. Proving lack of legal competence for the change can be really hard.
Why would you let this be “killing you” ??? People lie all the time, it’s disappointing, but a fact of life. It’s also a fact that each of is responsible for planning for our own future. Any inheritance is like icing on a cake, something extra, not expected or demanded. Being bitter and angry doesn’t change anything, and only leaves you alone and empty. If therapy will help you accept the choices of others and see a way forward in living a positive life, then it’s a great idea. I wish you peace and acceptance
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Daughterof1930

I am so sorry but I cannot understand what you are talking about. Were you and brother suppose to inherit your Grandparents house? Was there a Will stating that? Mom was Executor? Seems grandparents house was never sold so don't see where a check would come into this. Also, seems house is being rented and Aunt taking the money.

First, was there a Will? If so was it probated and if so were you a beneficiary. If probated there is an accting that all beneficiaries sign or contest. My lawyer wrote the checks for the beneficiaries and mailed them. If Mom signed over a check to her nephew written in your name that is fogery. This should have all been addressed at the time it happened. If grandparents died with no Will, the State determines who inherits. Souses first, children next if parents aren't living, grandchild next if parents and parents siblings are gone. Grandchildren do not automatically inherit, it has to be in the Will.

After all this time, you don't haveva leg to stand on. Your Aunt maybe doing something wrong if Mom inherited the house fully or partially. That you maybe able to do something about.
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Reply to JoAnn29

I don't think talking to a therapist would help much, do you?
I would move about 1,000 miles away from Mom and make a good life for myself were it me.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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