You never go back to visit him again. Or you stay out of his general vicinity. Unless he has a long cane I cannot imagine how much damage an alzheimer's Dad who is 90 can do to you, unless you are especially fragile.
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Reply to AlvaDeer
anonymous144448 Nov 9, 2024
A much better solution to what I typed out
I assume he lives at home?

May we get some context to know what was happening at the time he pushed and shoved you?

Put your iPhone in a shirt pocket and record everything without being obvious.

Also, document everything— get a notebook or use notes on your smart phone and put date, time, what was going on and whatever he did physically to you.

Next time he is abusive, don’t announce this but simply and quietly go into the other room and call 911 and tell them you have a physically abusive senior who need to go to the ER for an evaluation.
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Reply to anonymous144448

Assault means to call 911. You would ask for an officer who is trained for dementia and request for a 72 hour psych hold called a "social visit". This allows time for assessment and his POA should not be able to get him discharged from the hold. BTW a POA is responsible for finances and not to make medical or personal decisions unless it is spelled out in the document
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Reply to MACinCT

Are you caring for this person? If this escalates, call 911 and tell them ur afraid for your life. Believe me, a 90 year old can be very strong. This is where a decision is made, are you going to continue to care for them or place them in care.
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Reply to JoAnn29

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