My father is not taking care of himself or his finances. Making very poor decisions about buying things and starting to tell my sister lots of tales. He will tell her one thing and tell me completely the opposite. We believe he wrecked his car and oh what a tale he is telling about that- says dropped it off for service and when he returned it was all dented in says they did it. How do we start the process? He has not yet been to a Dr. to be diagnosed with dementia but I believe that is very possible. We have hinted around to him to maybe sell the house and go to assisted living to make his life easier. His reaction was I will live and die in my house I am not going anywhere. Need suggestions on what to do.
Write down all you have said here and anything else u have noticed. Give it to the receptionist and ask that the doctor look at it before ur appt. Helps him ask the right questions.
Here are some websites for you to look at that regarding how to assess your father as to whether he needs to go to a facility or stay at home:
This Assessment Tool will give you a general idea about which type of housing or care may be most appropriate for you or your loved one. For each category below, please select the description that may be most appropriate.