
I'm just curious to hear your experience, both good and bad, with any of these agencies. We've been on phone today trying to see what we can do for MIL because there's self neglect going on and after speaking with both the local and state offices, it sounds like there's nothing they can or will do. I see so many people on here suggest when others ask for practical suggestions to help with issues they have with loved ones say call your local Area Agency on Aging but honestly, they seem like no help at all. So I'd love to hear what your personal experiences are.

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Area Agency on Aging but honestly, they seem like no help at all. {end quote}

They are all unique. So much depends on the luck of the draw. The person who you deal with may be new. My suggestion is go up within the organization and go outside to state regulatory departments. Use email correspondence to have a written record.
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They were very helpful to me. They provided partial cost of putting in grab bars and ramp.....

WHO IS the THEY that helped you?
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My only experience was when family members contacted APS to intervene when a daughter caregiver wasn't providing proper care, had allowed a filthy situation to be created in her mother's home, was also suspected of financial abuse (later confirmed), and was restricting access by other lst degree family members.

Several family members complained. APS took the position that the woman was dying, perhaps in a few weeks, and that they thought the family member was doing a good job of providing care.

It was devastating, well beyond disappointment. I thought their position and refusal to intervene was disgusting and inexcusable.

Yet I've read here that they sometimes harass other family members. I have the impression it varies by jurisdiction, and by how close someone is to death's door.
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I should clarify my response; it was APS that I thought was irresponsible.

I've had various experiences with AAA; they sponsor an excellent caregiver's expo annually in my area. I've only called them a few times but don't remember it if was that agency or another one that spans 2 counties that wasn't very responsive or very reliable.
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They were very helpful to me. They provided partial cost of putting in grab bars and ramp. They gave me ideas and lists of equipment that would make caring for my mother at home, easier. They seemed really accepting of the wide variety of elder's abilities and how they fluctuate daily, and the different systems we caregivers put in place to try to caregive and cope with life at the same time.
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My experience with APS was wonderful. My vindictive siblings had alleged that I was financially exploiting my folks, which was not true, even the investigator told me this was only spite. It took approximately six weeks to close the case, the only reason being APS has many serious neglect and exploitation cases that have priority. If the elder is competent and will not speak up related to the charges being made against the caregiver, then nothing will be done. Another thing to consider is whose standards of cleanliness is the caregiver to live up to? Siblings at times will make things to be much worse than they actually are. This wastes precious resources and time of APS and AAA that would be much better spent on other cases.
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