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Orchard are you in the UK and manage a care home? Are you asking for personal reasons or are you conducting research?

This could be some sort of identity theft or other scam where orchard is the victim.
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You're a 'Registered Manager' caring for Ingrid Carley who's 31 and suffering from Alzheimer's/dementia? Why does this sound entirely fabricated to me?
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1. Please remove full name from profile info and also place of employment.
If this is your diagnosis and you are the person named I would say...
Holy Cra... you are very young.
The diagnosis of Early Onset is a difficult one to take.
You need to immediately talk to an Elder Care Attorney or one that can set up all the things that need to be done.
Do you have a family? If so there needs to be a discussion how care will be done and how financially things will be covered later. You are not going to be covered by Medicare so worst case is that Medicaid will have to be applied for.
Hate to say it but if you are married for financial reasons a divorce might be in the best interest. This is a discussion for a lawyer.
Assign POA for Health and finances.
There is a pamphlet or workbook called Five Wishes use that as a guide for other info.

Discuss with the doctor any possible Clinical Trials that you might qualify for.
I think I would also want to know if this is "Common Alzheimer's Disease" or Genetic Alzheimer's Disease" so I would ask for genetic testing. I would want to know the results but copies to any immediate family members I would want sealed and given to them at the doctors office they can choose to see the results or not. And they can elect to be tested themselves.

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