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Medicaid pays for nursing home care for those who need it.
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In many parts of the world, the elder moves in with other family.

Supervision & assistance is provided by the people at home, either women home with small children, older children after school or if funds allow, a paid woman to come in. Work collegues of mine have these arrangements in their birth countries accross Asia. Interestingly, my work collegue from Africa said he did not believe they had Dementia in his birth country - he only found out about it working in the health industry. He then realised what was called 'seeing ghosts' could be called hallucinations. What was known as 'old prople being possessed by evil spirits' could actually be mood & behavioir changes of dementia. Family managed those aflicted as best they could in their homes.

Just as it proved more economical to bunch young children together for care (aka daycare) while women worked, it is similar for the older, more infirm people. To provide care for a group is more economical (aka aged care). It is happening in many parts of the world. Not saying it is a good system, but the alternatives seem to be either 1. Privately hire a Nanny for young children & a private Carer for adults needing care (disabled or elderly) or 2. Oppress some family members into being 'care servants' for the family, with no freedom of other career choice.
Helpful Answer (9)
MSalazar227 Jun 8, 2024
I think back to when I was a child, I’m 60 for reference but do you remember when older people were called senile? I believe all the people who were locked away in psychiatric facilities were suffering with dementia but we weren’t aware or ready for it back then. Or now!
Is your loved one eligible for Medicaid (which includes various Medicaid waivers)? Visit an Elder Law Attorney for help applying, if you know their income is below the limits and their overall assets are low enough (often at total of only a few thousand dollars).

If their monthly income is too high, you may be able to visit an Elder Law Attorney and set up a "miller trust" in order to get their income down to the needed (lower) levels required to apply for Medicaid (usually somewhere below $3k per month). I believe up to $4k a month can usually be put into a miller trust, BUT not all states allow for miller trusts. Again, see a lawyer and find out more. Call around to see which lawyers can talk to you about this, and many may offer a free initial consultation.

Then, if the person is eligible to use a miller trust to apply for Medicaid, you can research which facilities in your area take Medicaid (or Medicaid waiver programs like PACE).

In some states, MC is indeed covered by Medicaid (such as my state of CO)...but your choices are limited. There are other states where you can find this, but I suggest starting with your local Care Patrol people. Look up "Care Patrol" online and put in your zip code, then give them a call. They are amazingly helpful! They can help you find out what your options are. In states where MC is not covered by Medicaid, you will probably be forced to placed your loved one in "skilled nursing," which may not be as nice (all types of homes can vary for sure) but they will definitely keep him/her as a resident, no matter what types of needs they develop, which is helpful.
Helpful Answer (5)
TouchMatters Jun 9, 2024
What is MC you refer to ... covered by Medicaid.
Is your reference to "skilled nursing" a nursing home?
Thank you for this information. I never heard of the Miller Trust. Maybe that is what you mean MT instead of MC. Gena
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All nursing facilities including memory care have Medicaid beds. According to Google 99.9% of nursing facilities take Medicaid, so if you have someone needing placement, please apply for Medicaid for them.
Helpful Answer (4)
PeggySue2020 Jun 2, 2024
Medicaid does not normally cover mc. In fact mc is not usually a nursing facility and is mostly private pay, just like al.
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They apply for Medicaid in their state and Medicaid will pay for a nursing home.
speak to an elder law attorney in your area and they will help you. There are many rules about Medicaid and the attorney will look at any assets and advise you properly.
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Contact an eldercare attorney for advice.
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Great question , I don’t have an answer.But thank you for posting this question. Im so stressed and irritated by the whole process.
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The only problem with Medicaid is they are at the bottom of list with most facilities. Money talks and people with it are on the top. So if you know someone who has connections with the facilities get them to refer you. It goes a long way to get in that spot. Good luck!
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You can call the medical ombudsman in your area and ask for their recommendations for facilities that take Medicaid.
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MomsCareGiver2: Some individuals apply for Medicaid.
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