
I need help getting to and from the grochery store.

Luna, check out and find someone who can help you with all the things you need help with. You can read their profiles and see their photos online.

Good luck.
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Reply to lealonnie1

Alva is correct – it’s not just transport for shopping. Your profile says “I cannot clean my tub, carry laundry up and down stairs, sweeping and washing floors and other things I used to be able to do”. You need to post again with more detail about what you can’t do, and how long you expect the problem to last. Could you do that?
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Reply to MargaretMcKen

Questions like these always lead me to suggest that the "bigger questions" are now worth considering. There's a ton of ways for you to get temporary help from friends, families, neighbors, Uber, Lyft, cab, public transit if your town has special transit for disabled as my own does.
However, when you are looking at being unable to get yourself places it is time to consider ALF if it is at all possible, or a sort of village community where transport to certain malls and medical facilities is part of the fee.

When my brother got his dx. of probable early Lewy's there were social workers at his rehab (after an accident in his car) who told him that he could still stay in his last home for some time "with help". Not really. No computer and no smart phone and no way to order groceries in Palm Springs without one. A bunch of kind and well meaning neighbors assuring him they would "take care of him" and the truth is he made the right decision in not being dependent on the "kindness of strangers" and friends; I was half the state away and couldn't be of help. He went into ALF likely before he needed to so as not to be a burden on others. And it would have become increasingly difficult for him to get around.

Now you may be facing something temporary, and if that is so, just kick all I said to the curb and carry on. And know in any case I sure do wish you luck. Call your local council on aging and ask to be put in touch with any special paratransit that is available where you live.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Walmart has food delivery. If you become a Walmart+ subscriber you don't pay a delivery fee.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to cover9339

I took care of my husband with dementia for seven years. I ordered groceries on line and it was a tremendous help. You can order from most major grocers. I never had problems with the items delivered.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Grannie9

I see on your profile that you're in Portland, Maine. You can order groceries online from Shaw's or Hannaford and they will deliver to your residence.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to MG8522
cover9339 Dec 13, 2024
Depending on the store this can add up quickly. They may have a delivery fee, and a tip for the driver.
See 2 more replies
Contact your county social services to see if you qualify for rides. Or, contact your local Area Agency on Aging for resources.

You can also contact churches to see if they have a Care Ministry where they have a team of volunteers to drive elders places (that's what my church does). You don't have to be an attender or member or even a believer.

My husband's Grandparents lived in Chicago and his Gramma had a taxi come on the same day at the same time to take her to her hair appointments. Just saying if you had this arrangement with whomever it'd make it easier for your driver to help you.

You can call and find a companion aid that you can pay to do it, or go on to for volunteers from your neighborhood or community. I get lots of responses when I put out requests for help there.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

You could call a Lift or Uber, or you might be able to find a senior transportation service in your specific area. Additionally, since you are computer savvy, you could also look into ordering your groceries for deliver if they have a service like that in your area.
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Reply to BlueEyedGirl94

Call an Uber or Lyft in your area.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

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