
If someone can't afford a haircut, would Medicaid or Medicare pay?

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We have a VERY kind young barber in our church, who offered to go and cut the hair of a member's husband.

Is the Loved One a member of a congregation? Maybe someone would volunteer.
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As said, Medicaid and Medicare do not pay for haircuts. If someone is in a NH with Medicaid paying, a small amt of their Social Security goes towards a Personal Needs Acct. My State its $50 a month. NHs usually have a hairdresser come in to cut hair. Or, a person can have their own hairdresser come in to do hair.

Otherwise, you need to find someone who will do it free. Check with Salons to see if they will do it. Maybe you can find someone who is retired or does it from their home.
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Lord all freaking mighty. Nobody in your family is willing to spring for the 15 bucks for lousy haircut?
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MiaMoor Jun 13, 2024
What if they don't have family, or family is finding it hard enough to put food on the table?
I've eaten some weird combinations of food in the past because there was no money left at the end of the month for food, whilst wearing multiple layers and sitting under the covers because the meter needed topping up.
I'm not in that situation right now, but it's a reality for many people.
Short answer no Medicaid and Medicare do not pay for haircuts
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Hopefully their loved one, family member or friend will pay for it because the government is covering everything else.
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AlvaDeer Jun 13, 2024
I just now that N. won't pay for it. He will likely have me looking like Sinnead O'Connor when young.
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Welcome to the Forum.
I absolutely love that this is the worst problem you can come up with for us!

There is an "allowance" for personal use in the case of patients who are on Medicaid. That allowance can be used however one likes.
There are some places, if your senior is able to get out to them, that have bargain haircuts. My own place is only 24.00. Get it cut about every 7-8 weeks.
But the truth is that sometimes we just hate "getting there". Some ALF have people who come in to cut hair, again with bargain rates.

And then there is the thin hair "pony tail" you so often see out there. Both men and women in my city.
I am put in mind, having recently read the whole Kinsey Millhone series by the late, great Sue Grafton, that she cut hers with a manicure scissors. I cut mine through covid; it wasn't too bad.

Last and not least, how adventurous are YOU, and how adventurous is your loved one? Because with our current inflation I am scared that our allowance won't cover much more than a bar of soap and a tube of toothpaste. If you have the guts, do watch a video or two on youtube. I swear they can teach us just about anything. My marvelous Ukrainian hair stylist said she learned by the entire family demanding she simply DO IT from about the age of six when she remembers standing on a chair to cut everyone's hair. Born with the gene.

Again, welcome to the Forum! Tell us what answers you come up with.
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Midkid58 Jun 14, 2024
Off topic--kind of--I'm an avid fan of the Kinsey Millhone series and I LOVED that she was so tight with a buck she cuts her hair with nail clippers!

I have a very dear friend who had to log 1600 hrs in cosmetology school before she could graduate. She was begging people to come to her so she could fill up her schedule.

Try a cosmetology school! They'd do it for free.
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