
She's always asleep when I visit regardless of time of day (I go at different times just to see). What I noticed is that most of the smaller women are always asleep, but the taller/larger women and men rarely are. When she was at the hospital her nurse mentioned this to me so it's on my mind now. I don't want to sound accusatory, but I do want to know how they manage the dosages.

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You speak to the POA who can pull medication records, speak with doc and the admins.
If you ARE the POA you speak with admins and examine the medication records.
Do understand, however, that it is the norm for elders to sleep enormous amounts of time. More sleep than a cat who can average 16 hours a day!
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My Mom was over dosed on Blood Pressure meds. Before a hospital visit she was on 80mg. She was in pain so they upped to 160mg. The procedure she had done releaved the pain. I questioned the dosage when she was discharged. I was told it was because she was in pain. "She is not in pain now!" She could not get up off the couch. When the Visiting Nurse came she immediately had Moms doctor take her back to 80. Same thing happened with my husband after a hospital stay. Our doctor said he was surprised my husband could walk.

So yes, she could be getting too much of something. Meds don't leave the body as fast in the elderly as it does in younger people.
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Every managed care place has a community or medical care/nurse manager you can and should discuss your concerns with. Do you know which meds you’re concerned about being overused?
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