
I have invited my mother to my home several times over the years. She always says that she likes to stay at home. Fair enough but she never refuses an invitation to my brother's house. I asked her to come to a BBQ that I was doing for my nephew this Saturday just gone. She refused but told me that she was going to a BBQ at my brother's house on the Sunday. She told me that I was invited to this BBQ but I had to bring along some food. I had no communication from my brother or his partner until the time when they were cooking the food and said they hoped that I could make it.
I live alone and feel constantly not good enough and excluded as any invitations to social gatherings are either not forthcoming or are issued via my mother.

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Anything we might guess would be a pure guess. So I would ask if it were me. I would simply say gently "Mom, I have asked you over a few times and you haven't wished to come. I notice you go to brother's house, so I am guessing that this isn't because you don't like leaving home. That leaves me to wonder if there is any reason that you don't wish to come visit me? I sure am open to hearing the reason if it might be something I can fix, because I'd love to have you over."
Really, there is no other way to learn the truth but to ask.
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Consider yourself to be blessed not to be included in what appears to be a narcissist controlled social structure.
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charlen74 Jun 2022
I agree, although I do feel I am a part of it to be honest.
I wish I could tell you. I have had similar things happen and have racked my brain trying to figure out what I did. In the instance of my Brother and wife, my other brother, who lives 8 hrs away, can't understand why my family got snubbed. I chalked it up to a big age difference of maybe 16 years? Yes, invites always thru Mom. One holiday my sister was home with her small son. Mom called to say they would be going to my brothers but..SIL wanted to apologize that my family of 4 was not invited because with her family there too, there just was not room enough for 4 more. Last straw was at Christmas. Sitting around the table and everyone at the dinner received a gift but me. Not even a box of candy. How embarrassing. I even got a sympathetic look from her Dads GF. I was never invited to her house again. Mom was always driven there by SILs sister.

I know, you hate to make a big thing out of it by saying something, because then any invitation after u do won't mean anything. I may, though, when talking to ur brother, ask him not to go thru Mom if he is inviting you over. How close are u to brothers wife? Is she someone who you feel free to ask this question and she will be honest with you. You have to be ready for honest?

Me, I chose to let it go. After the Christmas thing I was not going back to her house again anyway. I know if I had treated her family like she treated me, my Mom would have said something. Just before Moms Dementia got bad she said something about me and SIL. I asked why didn't she say anything to SIL. She said she didn't want to get involved. That time my family was too many people I got very upset and my Mom showed no sympathy. Didn't say anything to SIL but if the tables had been turned, I would have heard it.

Sorry, unless you ask Mom directly you may never know. And if you do, don't be surprised if your told your too sensitive. Make a life without Mom. Continue to invite her, when she says no say Ok and let it go. Maybe after a while you just stop inviting.
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charlen74 Jun 2022
Thank you for sharing your experience. I have asked her and she always says she is tired and likes to stay in her own home. I do feel its because my brother has a little family unit and has more wealth, nicer house etc. I also feel he is the golden child.
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I think you know the answer to this question. And it's a hard answer to accept. Flat out, she loves your brother more. She values him more. She loves you too on some level, I'm sure. Problem is, she loves you for what you DO. Not for who you ARE. Just being her daughter isn't enough.

As others have said, he is the Golden Boy. She is the type of mother who is crazy about her son, but sees her daughter as a servant. These mothers are never happy with their daughters... and then they don't understand why the daughter doesn't want to care for mother in her old age.

She lets you do some caregiving and maintenance. But when it comes to spending time with you? Nah. In her view, that's not why you're here. You're here to do for her, not socialize. She wants to socialize with the Golden Boy. If you're around her for any other reason besides helping, then she has little use for you. Sounds like brother feels the same way.

This isn't your fault. Mom sounds like she has some deeper mental issues. You could flat out ask why she feels how she does. But she likely won't give you a straight answer. If anything tell her (or brother) that you feel excluded. Might not change anything, but at least they'll know how you feel.
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Tothill Jun 2022

You are almost describing my Mum to a T/ She simply does not like girls. As far as she is concerned unless I am doing chores I am a waste of space.

I discovered after my marriage ended, that she was coming over to the house to have coffee with my EX on a regular basis. I was working 6 days a week to keep the bills paid. On my one day off she would offer to come over and help me do chores, not socialize, not have a chat. Gee all those days she was drinking coffee with the deadbeat, how come she did not get him off his arse and dong chores?

My bother is most certainly the golden child for both my parents.
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"She would love that. She has often said she would but my brother is not forthcoming about that and he doesn't have a spare room."

Make sure you don't have a spare room, either, because there is a very good possibility that the expectation will be that YOU either move in with her or move her into your home.

What kind of caregiving do you do for your mother now? How much time does it take?
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charlen74 Jun 2022
Mostly cleaning, washing and gardening. I help her with her bills and registering her for disabled parking, for example, things like that. She likes to do her own shopping and cooking. Another brother takes her to far away appointments as I am usually working then. I look after my single mom sister's son at weekends.
Uh, why not ask her why?

How could a bunch of strangers possibly know the answer? It could be anything from "she doesn't like you" to "your house smells like cat urine."

I never understand questions like this, and they occur at an amazing frequency. People are so afraid to communicate with their nearest relations -- it's mind-boggling.
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AlvaDeer Jun 2022
I suggested this. Our OP says that of course she DID ask. However, she didn't tell us what Mom said WHEN she asked. I agree. The simple answer here is "ask".
Perhaps your mother is jealous that you have a house.
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charlen74 Jun 2022
I don't see why she should be jealous. She has one of her own!
Charlen, I suggested you ASK your Mother.
You told another responder that you DID ask your Mother.
So now could I ask what your Mother responded to you when you asked her?
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It could be something as simple as the layout of your home and accessibility. Is your brother's home easier to navigate for her? Is it easier for her to get to from her home? It may not be you per se but the surroundings. :)
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Some people's homes are simply more inviting to hang out in. I have a dear friend who has a lovely home--overly so. She does have a group of us ladies to lunch twice a year (we bring our own lunches) and we meet in the backyard by the pool. We never go inside and heaven forbid you need the bathroom.

She's sweet and all--but we're having one of these get-togethers on Friday, temps expected to be in the 90's. There sits a 7000sf home with AC and we will be sweating it out on the patio.

Another acquaintance of mine is fine to have people over, but her place is filthy beyond belief and she has 3 grandkids and 2 huge dogs and a couple cats in a 1000-sf basement apartment.

I CAN'T go into my mom's for longer than about 1/2 hr. She has birds she can't care for so there are feathers and dander and moths all over the place. I'm sick within 30 minutes.

Often it's just the surroundings. A really messy, disorganized home will make me run for the hills. (And my new house is currently VERY disorganized as we await the contractors to finish. Making me crazy.)
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