
The two of them were closer when my son was younger, but as he's gotten older, he doesn't want to hang out with him as much. And now my 10 year old wants nothing to do with him because he won't leave him alone. We all live together so my grandfather isn't alone or in a home. He has become so obsessed with my son. He walks into his room anytime he walks by, sometimes just walking in without knocking, sometimes over and over again until my son is screaming at him to go away. If my son isn't home, he will ask me every couple min if I know where he is. I'll even write on a dry erase board where everyone is, but he still asks. In the middle of the night, he will get up and go into his room. There have been times I will be downstairs and I'll hear them upstairs yelling and cussing at each other. I'll break it up only to have to run back a min later to break it up again. It's a constant battle everyday. I try to explain to grandpa he doesn't want to be bothered then he just yells at me tells me to off. This is just one of many bad behaviors grandpa has picked up in the last couple years. Idk what to do it's causing a lot of stress on my kids....

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I sounds like your father is developing dementia. His behavior is very suspicious of something getting off in his brain. Have you father medically evaluated.
Helpful Answer (9)
TChamp Jun 2022
Frequently patients wish dementia develop an obsession with a particular person and will shadow him/her constantly.
Why is your grandfather living with you? Seems like it might be time for your grandfather to live somewhere else.
Helpful Answer (11)

Hi! I’m sure it’s very clear to you there’s something mentally not right, with your grandfather. He’s also very rude to you.

Only a doctor can figure out what’s going on, since he might have several health issues. (——He could also just be bored and want to harass someone/your son/easy target).

Obviously something’s not right with your grandfather. And you won’t be able to change his personality.
Helpful Answer (6)

Sounds like Dementia may be involved here. Gpa needs a good check up to see if something physical is at play. An MRI will show if any Dementia is present.

I realize you want to keep him out of a NH but you may need to place him. Its not fair to your 10 yr old to have to deal with this kind of thing or ur other kids. Seems Gpa cannot be reasoned with and this is one if the first signs of Dementia. Your family is #1. They need home a soft place to land.
Helpful Answer (20)

Is he becoming like Herbert from "Family Guy"?
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MargaretMcKen Jun 2022
I’m starting to wonder if you are a TV character yourself. Why don’t you fill in your profile to tell us something about yourself and your own caring experience? Or is the ‘someone’ you are caring for, yourself?
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So, GPA is verbally abusing YOU and shadowing your son.

When was the last time GPA had cognitive testing?

HAve you mentioned these symptoms to his doctor?
Helpful Answer (10)
Leftleftneff Jun 2022
He refuses to go to the doctor. We had one episode that got so bad a family friend called the cops. The made him go to the hospital. While there they ran tests said his head is fine, everything looked normal for his age, he just had a UTI. But that doesn't explain his behavior all the time.
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are there no locks on your son's door? can you move him to a different room so grandpa can't find him at night? ideally your father would be moved into care, as you can't let this go on for your son's well-being (and the rest of the family's).
Helpful Answer (18)

Your first obligation is to your son. You say grandpa doesn't have dementia. The living together isn't working out, period, and there may be a whole lot your son isn't even telling you.
As I said, first obligation is to your own child. Period.
Helpful Answer (22)

You need to realize that if Gpa does have Dementia sexual urges heighten. Your son may be afraid of him. I would have a talk with ur son, maybe his Dad. If Gpa is having sexual tendencies he needs to be removed from your home. Even though he may have no idea he is doing it, your kids should not be exposed to it.

Just want to make you aware of this.
Helpful Answer (17)

Your job is to protect your children first and foremost. Gramps needs placement in a memory care facility.
Helpful Answer (13)

You don't know what to do? Remove your grandfather from your home IMMEDIATELY and protect your son before someone calls CPS and removes your son from your home for exposing him to abuse on a daily basis.

Whether this is dementia or mental illness causing such behavior, your grandfather needs a psych evaluation by a REAL doctor who can diagnose him properly. You'll then know which type of facility to place him in.
Helpful Answer (22)
sp19690 Jun 2022
This is the correct thing to do. Grandpa has got to go
2nd what JoAnn said.
Take action NOW.

Elderly with start of dementia can fixate on people. This can absolutely become inappropriate & sexual.

Many have been abused as minors by family members in this way.

Protect your son RIGHT NOW.
Helpful Answer (16)

Time to state that unless he gives your sone his space and privacy he will have to move into a home
Helpful Answer (4)
cpell122112 Jun 2022
The time for "stating' has passed. Now, it's time for action! This isn't a one time schoolyard incident. This is a Great-Grandfather STALKING his Great-Grandson around his own home!
Seriously? There is only one answer Gramps needs to be placed in a home. He is fixated on your son and this could lead to a real bad situation for your son.

Protect your son at all costs, he is your first responsibility.

Don't drag your feet, start the process now.
Helpful Answer (11)

For today install a lock on your sons room, start your search for a home for Grandpa. Tomorrow get all papers in order. Next time a fight ensues, which may be as soon as he is locked out, call for assistance and refuse to have him back as he is terrorizing a child. Your child needs to know you love him and have his back vs abandoning him and taking Grandpas side.
Helpful Answer (8)

It’s time grandpa goes to a care facility. Reality is: he’s only got a few short years to live. Your son has a lifetime ahead of him. Let his current years be in peace so his future years won’t be lived with scars.
Helpful Answer (10)
cpell122112 Jun 2022
Wow, you are being very kind to someone who is causing emotional pain to your family. I can’t imagine how things will be when school is out for summer. This needs to end ASAP. Since he is your grandfather, does he have children who could get involved to take him in or get him into appropriate placement? You have got to get other family involved. If there is no other family, you need to contact your county office on aging for advice about what resources are available for him. If he served in the military, perhaps VA would be helpful.

This behavior is only going to get worse. Even though you are trying to do the right thing by grandpa, you know that this is hurting your son. You mention that you have “children”. It is wrong for all of them to be exposed to this; you’re allowing abuse. At age 10, adolescence, is right around the corner for your son. That alone is a challenging time for all.
Helpful Answer (6)

You say this is "one of the MANY bad behaviors grandpa has picked up in the last couple of years"
Dare I ask what the others are?
Your son in entitled to his own space in his own house. He should have a lock on his door.
If grandpa has not been diagnosed with dementia then he should respect your son and allow him his privacy. Obviously he has not grasped this concept and that leads me to believe there is some cognitive decline that should be diagnosed.

**side note here this might be a difficult conversation to bring up to your son but it is IMPORTANT has your grandfather tried to grab your son, exposed himself to your son or even said anything to your son that would frighten him in ANY way? I think this is an important discussion to have with EACH of your kids separately and in private preferably away from the house so the know no one else can hear the conversation**

If as you say grandpa does not have dementia then you give him a move out date (the sooner the better).
If he has dementia whoever is POA for him can make the choice of what MC facility he will become a resident of.
If no one is POA and no family wishes to become his Guardian the Court will appoint a Guardian.
A conversation with a Elder Care Attorney might be in order.

Helpful Answer (14)
NinjaWarrior3 Jun 2022
I was wondering the exact same thing.
Your #1 responsibility is to protect your child.
Helpful Answer (9)

Time to move Grandfather into MC.

There is a guy at my Mom’s MC unit who is obsessed with food. He will attempt to follow visitors into rooms and also will dig into handbags just because he can. He is a tall, imposing guy with a deadpan stare, does not talk and constantly walks the hallway. He is very scary looking. Thankfully he will not open doors.

Believe in your son. Move Grandfather to another living facility.
Helpful Answer (11)

Hi - could it be that maybe your grandpa is just lonely? It can't be easy for a senior - if thankfully you mentioned that he was tested and cognitively fine, then maybe it's a matter of looking into senior daycare activities - is there a senior center in your community? If he was stimulated during the day - meeting other seniors his age and engaged in activities that he may enjoy, then by the time he returned to your home, his day would be completed and he'd be too tired to shadow your son - vying for continual attention - your grandpa could find friends his own age! It may also help his mood and arguments may lessen. It may take creative thinking and researching activities or what's in your community for him. It would also be helpful for him to perhaps speak with a counselor who specializes in elder issues - you mentioned in your profile that he suffers from depression, anxiety - it's best to get a professional assessment/insight.

I hope this helps - wishing you all the best.
Helpful Answer (1)
cpell122112 Jun 2022
He's 93. I hardly think a 93 y'o man is going to sit still long enough in a therapist's office to talk about his obsession with a 10 y'o boy. The help he needs is constant care and supervision, not talking to a shrink.
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Your children must be protected, and your grandfather needs to be protected from himself.

You said that "we all live together" so how many people are in the home and what is the relation to grandfather?

Is the home yours or grandpa's? This makes a difference because a placement into a facility could involve a review of all grandpa's assets, etc.

If the home belongs to grandpa, it could also mean that everyone may need to move and allow the home to be sold so the funds can support grandpa in a facility.
Helpful Answer (3)

GF's fixation and attachment behavior sounds like it is dementia-related, whether or not he has been officially diagnosed.
Helpful Answer (7)

that's kinda of young for kids not to want to be bothered with their grandparents, maybe try explaining to the kids grandpa can't help it just try to give him a little time to spend with him. its worth a try
Helpful Answer (0)
cpell122112 Jun 2022
Yes she should try to explain the situation to her son. But, that won't stop grandpa from his activities OR make it easier for mother and son to deal with him.
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I agree fully with others' suggestions here. Protect your son and make sure he is safe in your home. Additionally, as we know UTIs can cause really irrational behaviors in the elderly, I have to wonder if his UTI actually cleared. Could be a resistant strain or recurrent infection. If you can somehow get him back to a doctor's office, you could ask to have his urine re-checked. Also, AZO makes a home test for UTI. Perhaps you can get an adult male in the family to help get a urine sample. If it tested positive, you'd have an excuse to get him to a doctor. I'm no expert but certainly something you may want to rule out.
Helpful Answer (2)
cpell122112 Jun 2022

Nothing was ever mentioned about a UTI. Yes, UTI'S can have strange affects on the body, but his actions have been going on for years and getting worse, If this man has a UTI, he must hold the world record for having the longest UTI in history!
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Sounds like grandpa has dementia and some thought process loops that are hard to break. You can try keeping grandpa's focus on other activities and divert his attention when he goes to check on grandson(again and again). Talk to his doctor about medications that might help. Last resort might be moving grandpa into assisted living.
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Bad behavior. Verbally abusive to you. Threatening to your kids. The question isn't what's wrong with Grandpa - what's wrong in your home that you let this continue? If you don't address that, it will get worse. Grandpa's behavior might be medically controllable, but from what you say he is medically non-compliant. That means he isn't fixable. It's AL time, ASAP.

Just in case this is your situation - any promises made to take care of him forever are officially null and void the minute your kids are threatened. Case closed, door locked, Grandpa out.
Helpful Answer (7)

Your grandfather is having obsessive thoughts. Time to get him to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. It is probably time to make new plans.
It is very stressful, and distressing for your son. You are not stalked in your own home. You are not walked in on, over and over.
You are allowing this to continue. Your poor son has no privacy. Feels unsafe in every room. Even if he locked the door, it is still not going to stop.
And then you are yelling at the grandfather on top of it. A big scene. More distressing, more stress. This has to stop. It's abusive.
MOM you need to protect your son. You are not!
Time to find solutions. Get him to a geriatric psychiatrist. Get him on some meds. If there is nothing that can help, its time for a new address for grandpa.
Your son deserves to feel safe in his own home. He shouldn't be sacrificed for the grandfather. You are not the one being hunted down and harassed non stop.
You need to do something. The son shouldn't have to tolerate this. You are not being a good mom to him. And you are not getting the grandfather the help he needs. It is distressing for him as well. You need to address this situation immediately!!!
Helpful Answer (3)
Str8golfer Jun 2022
Dementia patients don't have OBESSIVE THOUGHTS.
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This is very creepy. I would get grandpa out of the house asap. And in the meantime put a lock on your sons door.
Helpful Answer (2)
cpell122112 Jun 2022
And hide the key. Because even people with memory problems can figure out how to find what they looking for. Believe me I know what I'm talking about. I use to live in an AL. at one end of the hall was what they called the Memory Impairment Unit. It was a very nice setup with dolls and toys and some activities. The doors locked automatically so the residents couldn't leave with someone to accompany them, fool-proof right? WRONG!
There were occasions where the resident found away to sneak out the door and come in through the front door in the lobby. You NEED to protect your son's well being first. unfortunately, THAT means you need to get Grandpa OUT OF THE HOUSE ASAP!

Colleen P. Pell.
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Your grandfather is having obsessive thoughts. Time to get him to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. It is probably time to make new plans.
It is very stressful, and distressing for your son. You are not stalked in your own home. You are not walked in on, over and over.
You are allowing this to continue. Why? Your poor son has no privacy. Feels unsafe in every room. Even if he locked the door, it is still not going to stop.
And then you are yelling at the grandfather on top of it. A big scene. More distressing, more stress. This has to stop. It's abusive.
MOM you need to protect your son FIRST. You are not!
Time to find solutions. Get him to a geriatric psychiatrist. Get him on some meds. If there is nothing that can help, its time for a new address for grandpa. It is not time for the sin to be sacrificed to grandpa's obsession.
Your son deserves to feel safe in his own home. You are not the one being hunted down and harassed non stop.
You need to do something. The son shouldn't have to tolerate this. You are not being a good mom to him. And you are not getting the grandfather the help he needs. It is distressing for him as well. You need to address this situation immediately!!! Stop sacrificing your son.
Helpful Answer (2)

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