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Is this for your mom?
Your profile you state that she is living in Assisted Living. What kind of help soes she need that the staff can not provide.
And have you checked with the facility? Often a facility will not allow private hired caregivers. There may be a liability issue. And if mom needs more care than is provided in AL does she need Skilled Nursing facility or Memory Care?
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It depends on the labor availability in your area (urban, suburban, rural) and how many hours you are offering. People need to make a living wage so if you're offering less than 30 hrs per week and less than $15 per hour... that may not be enough. Do you need any type of specially trained person? An RN? Changing catheters? Wound care? This also cuts down who may be available.

My son works 3rd shift at a lab and it's not easy to have a life on that schedule. If most caregivers are female, they often have families to attend to and can't do that shift. Also, we're in a severe labor shortage right now with no end in sight.

If you live near a college that has a nursing program, I would advertise for help there.
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