Having trouble finding the Return address on their website. We don't want this device anymore, but the representative who installed it a year ago never left any paperwork at mom's house, and no card or number to call them back to pick it back up. I guess I will call the number on side of phone, but I wish I could see the Return instructions & address clearly on their website. I want to return it, and stop the billing as soon as possible.
Tomas Rodriguez Philips Lifeline
March 17
"Hi, can you please tell me where I can return your Philips LifeLine equipment and how to cancel services for my mom? Thanks!"
"Thanks for reaching out to us. To cancel the service, please call customer service at 1-800-635-6156. The mailing address you can return the unit to is: Philips Lifeline, 203 Avenue B, Youngwood PA, 15697. Please be sure to completely spell out Avenue. Let us know if there is anything more we can do to help! Thank you for choosing Lifeline!
March 18 at 6:10am"